Loss of appetite due to sick bug from July leading to seizures?


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Hey all.

Before 2024, it has been years since I had a seizure, the last one when I was a young baby. But this year I have already had two, the most in one year - believed to be from low blood sugars - my Libre 2 data is proof for seizure 2 on 8 May while the first one is in hospital records as an ambulance was called for the one I had on 13 March. The thing is, ever since I got a sick bug on July 6, 2023, my appetite really hasn't been back to its best, especially if I am out in a public spot for some reason. I will spare you the details of what happens if I try to eat certain things. Chips and roast dinners are okay though (good, I am glad they are because if they weren't I would not have been able to enjoy an early birthday carvery). I am also more or less fine at home, though I did stop eating medium sized sausage rolls. I did tend to start running low since the start of 2022, but I think the problem has gradually gotten worse ever since I got that bug. Is it possible that my appetite not restoring itself properly may have led indirectly to the lows getting worse, ala the seizures, or is something else going on that is causing it?

Before you panic, a dietitian appointment has finally been set up, although in my opinion there should have been at least one in 2023.

ETA: It took 10 months between the sick bug itself and the dietitian appointment being set up.


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Are there any small wrapped snacks you can tolerate? Things you can carry in a pocket or decant into a container that you can place in various spots in your home and have ready for times of need?
I’m thinking crisps (potato or lentil come in various flavours), dried fruit, cheese biscuits, jelly babies, stoneless dates, oatcakes.


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Sounds like a horrible situation to be in - hope you find a solution soon (bit rubbish about the dietician appointment taking that long to get set-up.

Might be worth (if you've not already done this - in advance of the dietician), working out if particular things trigger your issue, like eating high fibre foods (porridge etc), or certain vegetables or some sort of pattern.

Odd that the sausage rolls cause an issue (an amount of carbs, protein, fairly high fat) when chips and roast dinners didn't - however the chips and roast dinners have a more gradual digestion generally.

Also most things seem ok at home - is stress related? Being out is more stressful (away from home convenances and accessibility of glucose, bathrooms etc) so that might be related too.

Hope you find a solution soon - imagine you 'weight loss plan' is going ahead full steam.... :)
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