Been T2 for just over 2 years and within 3 months of being diagnosed had my A1C down to 5.7 from 8.2 and shifted 1.5 stone.
Roll forward the next 18 months or so A1C of 5.9, 6.3 and 6.3 and have shifted another 1.5 stone.
Went full keto initially and now just low carb so not quite as strict but find the diet side of things easy and was in complete control.
Ill before Xmas for best part of a month and daily readings seemed to baseline in the 10's but get that as illness buggers you up but eventually went back to normal in 6's and 7's.
Ill again Boxing day, very ill actually and think norovirus hit our house and was proper poorly for 3 days or so. Absolutely fine now but my numbers have been horrific ever since.
I have gone back to strict keto so next to zero carbs, sugars, starch and my numbers seem to baseline in the 11's, 12's. Today they went up to 13.7 after eating mackerel out of tin so I presume was the tomato sauce. Went for a 2 mile stomp and got them down to 10 but now back in the 11's and absolutely no reason for it.
I also took the dog out for 2 long walks and done two 1km sessions on my spin bike, but nothing is working it seems. Glucose constantly high or rising for no reason.
So I have gone from complete control and smashing it to no control at all and seems my body is making glucose and starting my levels at a baseline of 10 or above for whatever reason.
Blood test next week after I phoned doc and had a chat but told him I know the numbers will be horrific but guess they will just try and throw a pill at me which I don't want.
Anyway long story short, is this normal after illness over 2 weeks ago as really starting to get me down as however hard I try my body is fighting against whatever I do!!
Roll forward the next 18 months or so A1C of 5.9, 6.3 and 6.3 and have shifted another 1.5 stone.
Went full keto initially and now just low carb so not quite as strict but find the diet side of things easy and was in complete control.
Ill before Xmas for best part of a month and daily readings seemed to baseline in the 10's but get that as illness buggers you up but eventually went back to normal in 6's and 7's.
Ill again Boxing day, very ill actually and think norovirus hit our house and was proper poorly for 3 days or so. Absolutely fine now but my numbers have been horrific ever since.
I have gone back to strict keto so next to zero carbs, sugars, starch and my numbers seem to baseline in the 11's, 12's. Today they went up to 13.7 after eating mackerel out of tin so I presume was the tomato sauce. Went for a 2 mile stomp and got them down to 10 but now back in the 11's and absolutely no reason for it.
I also took the dog out for 2 long walks and done two 1km sessions on my spin bike, but nothing is working it seems. Glucose constantly high or rising for no reason.
So I have gone from complete control and smashing it to no control at all and seems my body is making glucose and starting my levels at a baseline of 10 or above for whatever reason.
Blood test next week after I phoned doc and had a chat but told him I know the numbers will be horrific but guess they will just try and throw a pill at me which I don't want.
Anyway long story short, is this normal after illness over 2 weeks ago as really starting to get me down as however hard I try my body is fighting against whatever I do!!