Medical cannabis


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Theraputic uses of Cannabis.

I have an interest in this not because I wish to get high, but because of the pain reliveing properties of cannabis as I have small fibre neuropathy.

This is due to (although after discovering that you can also inherit it, I feel that rather some people with diabetes, I ws born predisposed to it)

Small fiber neuropathy is a very serious neurological disease in which progressively (although it can go straight to end stage) it destroys every nerve in your body.

The pain is utterly excruiating, along with the ever increasing burning and/or numbness, knife like stabbing pain and sharp pins and needle like pin pricking pain, aswell as nausea, a person faces losing all their bodily functions - eat, swallow (can end up choking to death) walk (terrible foot pain/swelling pain) double incontinence and sexual disfunction.

The drugs - as there are no real drugs specifically for nerve pain which is very difficult to treat - that are used, have MASSIVE side effects.

Patients can put on extra weight, being constantly groggy to the point of being a total zombie, and have hallucinations, and hear voices - even commiting suicide.

These drugs can also prove inaffective, and in case of opiates being given, highly addictive.

It is therefore utterly scandelous, when then is a proven viable alternative that can give me quality of life, I am being denied because of backward thinking policitians who continue to ascribe to upholding an outdated law.
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Seaspray my hubby has got long fibre neuropathy that includes small too so I know where you're coming from here. He can only walk a few yards without help and is in pain everyday.

I have HS, that causes abscesses in certain areas of my body but Diabetes can also cause them, although not on the same scale. I am currently trying a different treatment for this, (there's no cure or no standard treatment), and fingers crossed what I'm trying works for me. However, only a few days ago, a fellow sufferer mentioned that they use Cannabis and it has kept their HS at an easier level, even knocking the stage they were, at down a peg. I'm not an advocate for drugs like this at all BUT if it was there for people who benefited pain wise, then I can see the theory behind it. I hope you get it sorted out. I feel for you x :)
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Dishonesty, selfishness and lack of empathy.
I'm in total agreement with the OP. No matter what light the medical profession likes to put on it, strides in managing pain for certain chronic conditions are limited and people suffer without any alternatives to the opiate based meds which cause their own problems.
There is the stigma attached to a "drug" like Cannabis, many arguments put against it by the "it'll lead to harder drugs" brigade but let's put that to sleep with one argument. If used wisely and if one is not taking it just to get a buzz, then it can be of great benefit. People do not commit violent crimes to go and get a cannabis "fix" (yep, sarcasm), nor do they find themselves spiralling into an abyss of addiction, nor do they become incapable of rational thought.
For some it is the difference between being incapacitated by pain and being able to function. Surely that should count for something?
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Type of diabetes
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Diet only
obnoxious people, litter droppers, Bullies, Waste, abusers,
If I commented that Dementia, Physical/Learning Disabilities and all people requiring either volunteer or paid support through their lives. And that at the forefront of the care company and its Personal Assistants, Support staff quality of life is spoken about! What is quality of life? free from fear? bullying? or pain? Is it the right to live our lifes to the best of our ability, to take risks? MCA. I have a daughter who is 22 and lives with pain through having fibromyalgia. I have visited her on a number of occasions and inhaled the second hand fumes of a relaxant! Am I have I berated her, dressed her down, asked her to curtail her wicked She finds that it helps with the daily pains and aches and who am I to deny her something that helps her cope with life and gives her a Quality of Life.. Oh she doesnt drink alcohol which is a good thing. Alcohol is proven, I believe, to be more destructive than cannabis.
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Pasta, sorry to me it's vile, yeuch lol (and full of nasty carbs)
I'm with you on this one failsafe, cannabis and its extracts are now being accepted worldwide for it's painkilling and relaxing properties. Even in the USA several states are legalizing its sale. Who are we to deny it to people who are suffering. And the prescription meds like tricyclic antidepressants, anticonvulsants and strong opiates are much worse. As for alcohol if it was discovered today it would be banned, it is pure poison. I would rather sit amongst cannabis smokers than binge drinkers, no hassle, no aggression or violence.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Not having sweet stuff to eat often enough !! But I make a lot of my own without sugars
If anyone wants to read up on the current research going into the use of cannabis by type 2 users, the company making and selling it here in the UK are :--
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Tablets (oral)
racism, bigotry and fashion
I used to use cannabis to ease the pain of arthritis, mine cause neural trapping which causes phantom pain or a loss of feeling in some parts of my upper body, this can completely stop me doing things, the cannabis used to relax my muscles which eased the trapping in joints so eases the pain, the effect lasted quite a long time (up to 48 hours) meaning I did not use a lot of cannabis to ease my pains, I wish the government would stand by an old promise to trial this and similar uses as nothing I have taken in the last 10 years is as effective or has so few side effects, I lose days now to either pain or side effects of the drugs I have to take. I was on diclofenac which was not too bad but cannot be prescribed now due to higher risks with heart conditions. nothing since its withdrawal is as good, and I cannot easily get hold of cannabis that is low in hallucinogenic properties but has high pain relieving and relaxing properties, which used to be easily available.
Modern life often gets worse not better, people focus on the wrong things and seem to need to escape even more as a result
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Diet only
being forced to work with 5 other diseases.
id say check out "Markus Rothkranz!".....on you tube. the man is a star. live long and prosper, and go with mother nature.
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False, patronising people who assume they know everything about me!
I have smoked cannabis for nearly 20 years's the only thing that helps with my pains due to osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia. And I DON'T CARE. When you're in pain and the usual painkillers don't work nobody has the right to judge me.
I have read about the research done here in the UK and the US which concluded that cannabis was NOT harmful, it is a natural product, and can help with cancer, pain relief etc. Both governments held back the findings due to the pharmaceutical companies bullying tactics!
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Seaspray, I have diabetic neuropathy in my feet. I know how terribly painful it is, and how many nights I've tossed and turned in utter misery, unable to get to sleep, waking up my husband with my jerking and flopping around. Being diagnosed and lowering my BG has helped, but it is still a problem. To have it all over, or the possibility of, is horrifying. I think you (and anyone else) should be able to access a mountain of pot to relieve such pain.
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Well-Known Member
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Pasta, sorry to me it's vile, yeuch lol (and full of nasty carbs)
Right on Sue I classify cannabis as a natural herb, chemists used to have bottles of cannabis oil for all ailments and there wasn't a 'drug' problem then. The Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 created the drug problem.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
False, patronising people who assume they know everything about me!
Right on Sue I classify cannabis as a natural herb, chemists used to have bottles of cannabis oil for all ailments and there wasn't a 'drug' problem then. The Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 created the drug problem.
Totally agree Eddie!! X
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
I suffer from diabetic neuropathy , have been type 1 for 24 years have developed complications in the last 18 months or so, I used to use cannabis on a daily basis I quit 11 months ago since then my nerve pain has got a lot worse have tried all meds available gabapentin prevailing, amatryptolin and duloxatine none of these have had any effect on the pain , I don't sleep at night due to the pain in my feet and legs , I think cannabis should be available for this condition as when I was using it the pain was minor compared to how I feel now !
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I believe that cannabis oil was/is used in eye drops for Glaucoma. I don't know if that is still the case as I was dianosed with Glaucoma 2 years before being diagonsed with diabetis!
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