My dex sensor is "stabbing" me?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hi all,

So, I'm on 11th day of my second sensor. I had to remove the previous one on day 11 because it was falling off (my flexitape arrived too late). This one is staying on just fine, but whenever I move I can feel a little "stab". It doesn't happen ALL the time, but if I stay put for a while and then start to move there's a big chance I'll feel it. It's like a small needle under the skin :/
I remember having the same feeling with the last sensor, starting around day 9-10. I thought I was getting an infection or something, but when removed skin was perfectly fine! And my skin seems not infected now as well.

Is it possible that my "wound" is healing up this quickly and its trying to push the sensor wire out? The feeling I'm getting would match this :/

Anyone ever heard of something like this?