The pharmacy should have done you a solid and gave you some needles until your prescription was ready they know your diabetic so should have been sympathetic to your situation . Call the doctors and tell them what’s happened tell them they need to expedite your repeat prescription as well with it being on repeat it should be simple is there anyone else you know who’s diabetic boots pharmacy also sell needles but if you explain what’s happened they should sort you outWas late doing my insulin and having my tea because of the England game! Come to do my insulin. Tried to prime pen and had 3 needles not work! I did have enough to last until Monday! NOW I ONLY HAVE 1 LEFT!!! Oh and tried to remove needles from pens and now they are stuck!!
I requested my repeat prescription on Friday so that’s not going to be ready to collect. My Pharmacy isn’t open until Monday! I ordered some needles online so I have some as a back up but they aren’t going to be here until Monday!!