Need some advice please


Well-Known Member
Hebburn, Tyne and Wear
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Hi All

Need a bit advice.

Was diagnosed as a type 2 in March this year, Diet and exercise controlled.

Since before diagnosis I have been VERY tired and just have no energy at all. Lately I just can't be bothered to do anything and my energy levels just seem to be at an all time low. I can be walking around and my legs just seem to drain of all energy. Not normal for a 42 year old bloke, especially after loosing 2 stone since diagnosis, I should be bouncing around like a spring hair.

My glucose levels are ok, usually abot 7.5 ish mornings fasting, as i dont do breakfast they are usually 5 - 6 pre lunch and about 7 after 2 hours r. If I have a biggish meal or eat bread I can hit 12 and return to about 7 after about 2 hours later. A few weeks ago I had a Large curry with all the trimmings and i hit 27????? re-tested a few times just to be sure., was back to 8 the next morning. This has only happened the once

I have been as low as 3.8 on few occasions.

My first 2 HBA1Cs have been 6.8 and 6.4

Now about 2 months ago I was put on Simvastatin, candersartin for slightly raised blood pressure and to help protect kidneys and Asprin, I resisted these on first dianosis due to me not beleiving I was diabetic, anyway finally gave in for a quiet life.

To add to my tiredness I am aching all over, legs mainly and my right shoulder is very painful.


Im assuming that the aching in legs and shoulder is a side effect of the simvastatin, is it safe to just stop the Simvastatin or should I see the Doctor first?

Also what can I do about the tiredness? I read somewhere when I was first diagnosed but cant find where I read it that the tiredness could be because being type 2 I am insulin resistant so my body may not be able to utilise the glucose to use for energy, Does this sound correct?

I think the article suggested Metformin can be used to counter this effect????? is this true and would it be reasonable for me to request this from my GP.

I don't really want to go on anymore meds BUT im starting to get desperate now as i am SOOOO tired and starting to feel like im turning into some sort of hypochondriac and if im to be honest a little down.

Is it normal to feel like this or am I just being daft, what should I do?

Thanks all for any advice


Well-Known Member
United Kingdom
It could be the medication they started you on doesn't agree with your body - it is perfectly reasonable and within your rights to go to your GP and ask if another medication could be tried, but don't stop taking any medication with out speaking to your GP first.
Tiredness can be a side effect of diabetes as we don't always use the glucose in our bodies efficiently, you could ask to see a dietician to see if they can suggest a regime thats better. Do you eat complex carbohydrates if you eat any make sure they're wholewheat/stoneground is best?
I know it gets difficult but persevere there is a lot that can be done to help!


Well-Known Member
Witch Proof Safe House
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Hi Brian,
I had the same symptoms tiredness, aching in the calf muscles and and shoulders, I was also
sleeping badly and getting depressed. I stopped taking Simvastatin and within days most of the problems eased or cleared up completely. I stopped them after reading about the side effects on the web. I would see your doc as soon as possible, but I don't think it would do any harm to stop taking the tablets now.

Best of luck


Well-Known Member
brianb said:
Also what can I do about the tiredness? I read somewhere when I was first diagnosed but cant find where I read it that the tiredness could be because being type 2 I am insulin resistant so my body may not be able to utilise the glucose to use for energy, Does this sound correct?

I think the article suggested Metformin can be used to counter this effect????? is this true and would it be reasonable for me to request this from my GP.

It's very likely your BG is going up higher than you have noticed, try testing 1 hour after eating

Certainly I noticed the knackeredness, even a relatively short BG spike seems to shut down the glucose transporters for some hours which is most likely the effect of insulin resistance. From the energy point of view it feels not dissimilar to low BG. Keeping my BG tightly controlled and avoiding the highs and the lows has helped a lot. Apart from metformin the other best approach to insulin resistance is to grow and use muscle (and lose weight if necessary) each of these approaches relies on the other to succeed.

Definitely tell your doctor ASAP about the muscle pains, they may or may not be related to the simvastatin. Definitely ask about the metformin. Definitely try to do more testing and reduce your carbs (eating at least something for breakfast would also be a good plan). Definitely try to get more exercise. Your A1c is not bad but could do with improving, with some fine tuning you'll probably start to feel and measure a lot better.


Well-Known Member
Hebburn, Tyne and Wear
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Hi All

Thanks for the advice. I have stopped the Simvastatin last night so will see what im like in a week and take it from there.

Trinkwasser I have been testing for a while and found that one hour after food I can be about 10 or 12 and after 2 hours can be down to 7ish and maybe an hour later 5 or 6

Diet is fairly low carb, lots of salad, meat and veg with the occasional potato and if im a good boy some BREAD MMMmmmm

Have dropped 2 stone in weight and now at 14 stone 6 im 5ft11 so need to loose another 2 stone.

I have had no energy since before the simvastatin so im sure thats not the cause of the lack of energy but will know for sure after i get the simvastatin out of my system.

Thanks for the help.



Well-Known Member
Hebburn, Tyne and Wear
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Well i have been off Simvastatin for a few days now and already my legs and finger joints feel better, in fact its amazing how much better it feels. :D

Still feeling very tired but im seeing the Doctor on wednesday to discuss the tiredness and what alternative to simvastatin i need or if i need it at all.

Increased my testing an to include 1 hour after food and i seem to spike at about the 12 mark, when this happens i seem to be returning to <8 after about 3 hours instead of the reccomended 2 hours, so im wondering if its these spikes causing the tiredness. I certanly feel worse within 20 to 30 mins after a meal even a low carb meal such as a salad.

Lets see what the doc has to say on Wednesday, it will be the first time i have actually seen a doctor and not the practice nurse.

Thanks all for the advice



Well-Known Member
Hebburn, Tyne and Wear
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Hi SarahQ
No not had thyroid levels checkd BUT the wife says im very irritable and says i should ask for those to be checked as well, I dunno i feel like a wimp at the moment.



Well-Known Member
brianb said:
Increased my testing an to include 1 hour after food and i seem to spike at about the 12 mark, when this happens i seem to be returning to <8 after about 3 hours instead of the reccomended 2 hours, so im wondering if its these spikes causing the tiredness. I certanly feel worse within 20 to 30 mins after a meal even a low carb meal such as a salad.

Very likely.

Also agree with the advice to get your thyroid checked - and make sure you get the actual NUMBER, some authorities refuse to treat thyroid until the patient is almost comatose whereas others are much more proactive. Just being told TSH is OK when it's actually 5 doesn't help much.


Well-Known Member
Hebburn, Tyne and Wear
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Will ask about a thyroid test tommorw as well, in for a penny in for a pound as they say.

Ok if the spikes are causing the tiredness, would metformin stop them for happening or help me to use the glucose for energy? My last HBA was only 6.4 so the spikes dont seem to have raised the level much so i suspect the doctor would not approve the use of metformin in my case.

Legs and joints continuing to improve since stopping the simvastatin, Thats been an eye opener.

Been on a Desmond course today, will leave a report when i get it typed up later in a seperate thread for anyone who is interested.



Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Anemia also causes tiredness. If your doctor does the thyroid tests he could check for anemia at the same time.


Scarborough North Yorks
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi Brianb,

I also suffered severe tiredness and absolute lethergy as you describe. I put it down to the blood pressure tablets so I now take them before going to bed. It was like turning a switch, a good nights sleep and plenty of energy during the day.

Have heard from a physio that this is slowly becoming common practice so it might be worth a try.

Best of luck.


Well-Known Member
Hebburn, Tyne and Wear
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Ah great minds think alike.

However i tried this about 3 weeks ago and now take my 3 different meds at night made no difference to me :?

Anyway at the docs today he said its not the diabetes as my HBA1C is so good at 6.0

He says im probabily just stressed.......IM SYTRESSED NOW HES SAID THAT! Ba....d

He sent me for MORE bloods

CRP ?????????

Oh and a Ceoelic test as i said that i felt REALLY tired about half hour after food, i dont think i mentioned that earlier.

So just have to wait a few days for the results.

He said stop simvastatin for a few months to see what happens, did not bother to say i had already and my legs felt MUCH better

Asked for prescription for some test strips and he refused, i quoted it was in the nice guidlines and he said that NICE guidlies adviced against it. They even told us at My Desmond course yesterday that testing was a good idea to find out what food effected you. Will go armed with a printout of nice guidlines next visit



Well-Known Member
LittleSue said:
Anemia also causes tiredness. If your doctor does the thyroid tests he could check for anemia at the same time.

Oh yes, good call. Also B vitamins, B6 and B12 can be involved in anemia, and tiredness, and can be depleted by some drugs including metformin.