

Type of diabetes
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Hi all, not sure if anyone else has experienced this - been on insulin for 25+ years and always used a needle clipper for my used needles. Now been told my pharmacy can no longer order needle clippers as they were discontinued last year.
Does anyone else clip their used needles and if so what do you use to do this? TIA Claire
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Mountain out of mole hill makers ,queues , crowds , shopping on a Saturday hmm just shopping I guess no matter what day it is
I use to but now seeing as I’m on a reusable pen I put the used needle back in the cover of the new needle and if for some reason I haven’t got a sharps bin I put it in the normal rubbish not recommended I know but normally only if I’m away from home as I don’t take a sharps bin with me ! Saying that I only change my needle when they start to hurt so it’s not that often , again not recommended but hey I’m a rebel

In Response

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I stopped using a needle clipper many many years ago as I found it still left a dangerous symptom which I scratched myself on more than once.
Since then, I put the cap back on the needle and put it in my sharps bin. I would not put a sharp in the public bin. I carry a small bottle (the kind you can buy from Boots for travelling) with my diabetes kit and decant into my sharps box when I get home. Some people temporarily put their needles into an empty test strips pot.
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I’d rather put all in a sharps bin for incineration rather than dump any plastic in general waste. I just bring used needles home with me. They are not exactly large.


Type of diabetes
Type 1
I’m just hitting this problem. I don’t use a sharps bin at all - I don’t need to. I clip my needles as suggested on the NHS website, and my Accucheck lancets are completely enclosed so can go in the normal waste bin.
I can’t get hold of needle clippers anywhere, I’ve trawled the internet! So I’d be glad to hear if anyone has sourced any at a reasonable price. I really don’t need the hassle of yellow bins if I don’t need to.


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You can't dispose a used needle as it's classed as contaminated Sharp's and if you do your in for a different ball game with the council because they can fine you for each needle in the waste and you can find yourself in court so the easiest way is go to the doctor and ask for a sharps bin and that way you are covered and you only have to take them to the GP practice to get rid of and you can get the next one as you are there because if you put in the bin and someone pricks themselves and you are the one that has blood on the needle as well you may have something that can lead to someone else having what you have as well so the sharps container is the only way and no one did the needle clippers for a couple of years now and that was because of not many being ordered on prescription and the line being discontinued by manufacturer


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@Jordi77 I get my sharps bin from the local council and they collect them, but from previous posts on this subject, I know some people can't find anyone who will take full sharps bins.

Every area has their own arrangements for sharps, so people need to check with their local council or pharmacy.