

Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
People pre-judging me.
:( I have damage to both feet right leg to thigh, hands and bowels and kidney. I take Gabapentin nortrypteline and duloxoflex.(sorry spellings probably wrong!) It's excruciating I couldn't sleep for more than20 mins a night, depressed to the point of suicide, 2 failed attempts. Mood swings and have isolated myself from friends and family. Question is Why are the DWP taking mobility away from me? I had a tribuneral and on there advise care is still needed due to constant fluctuations in sugar levels, but no mobility help any more as I now have no confidence to go out alone. I have fallen face first broke teeth and cracked my skull. As I have have fear of falling they stated I don't need help to get around out doors any more if I have someone with me. The thought of going on public transport and having to stand or walk to front of bus to get off or on to a seat is terrifying. I have had bus drivers in the past put me off the bus on a pavement due to me hypoing cause of the stress and the pain of jostling on bus. What advise can anyone offer? Should I pursue this or leave it alone? Oh and at the tribuneral no Consultants report was requested my Gp's letter wasn't looked at and the advise from my social worker and OT ignored too.


Hi evette,

I am sorry to hear that your diabetes is causing you so many problems.
Have you tried getting in touch with C. A. B. to help you with a Tribunal? You obviously need mobility allowance as you are unable to be mobile due to your many health problems. Saying that you don't need it because you cannot cope outside on your own is a ridiculous statement. You really need an advocate to help you explain what is going on.
Asking your Dr. for help in compiling a report may be too much for you and an advocate would help with this. Do you have andy assistance from Social Workers or Mental Health Teams? They can write reports too.

This explains Advocacy. ... o_advocacy

Hope this help and come back and ask more questions if you need to.

Take care,

lying, cheating, thieving mp's. Mobile phones, supermarket culture and having corrupt sport rammed down my throat on a daily basis!
Hi Evette,
I am experiencing the same problem with the DWP! I live on the edge of GB at the Lizard point. Nearest public transport is 1 mile away and doesn't start until 08:15hrs. I was called into the medical and told to be their at 09:00hrs. Now here's the con! It is a 64 mile round trip to the medical. The bus would not get me their on time as I would have to make 2 changes to get there. I enquired about a taxi, cost of over £100, which would have had to have been paid by the medical bursar. I thought that with the NHS going through it's financial crisis that I would drive myself in, stopping every 10 mins for a comfort break. They asked me very little, had no notes from my doctor and I was thoroughly p88d off to find I had amassed a grand score of 0! I then wrote back to the DWP and asked them what type of kangaroo court was this?A few days later I had a phone call from the DWP telling me that I had failed the medical by driving to it!!! :lol: My immediate response was "Wouldn't walking the 400 yards to the medical room from the car-park also count against me?" I then told them that they could stuff the tribunial and that I didn't think that I would make reitrement age and would have to fund myself until I either drop dead or have less than £15,000 in the bank. I also said that I coiuld have done what a lot of other people do and that was to spend the lot leaving the gvt with no other option but to pay all my bills for the rest of my life. The man said that that was dishonest but yes, everyone else is doing it :roll: He then asked me for medical evidence from my doctor. What a complete and utter waste of everybodies time :clap:


Hi Evette
Don't make the mistake of accepting the ruling of the DWP or anyone else for that matter, Fight your corner tooth and nail, remember these people are sat there listening to you, but they're not you! they make judgements on how you feel and how much you are suffering, Only you know how intense pain is and how much you are suffering... they just want you to give up and go away! well make a difference don't give up and don't go away... you are here only once and so are they... the benefit to them; you go away... the benefit to you; YOU DON'T! I have had enough experience in life and of the system to realise that it's anything for an easy life for them and the financial BONUS! take it from me Evette don't walk away, don't give up! I won't say good luck because it's not about luck it's about you saying I'm not satisfied with the service that I've paid for all my life... do something about it, get tough mate or they will eat you for breakfast and we would'n't want that would we? Have fun! Steve x