New sign of hypo?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi folks,

Like I've explained before, i've lost all the usual signs of going hypo, eg sweating, shaking, getting distracted, seeming like I'm drunk etc for the past numerous months!

Am awaiting to see Consultant in 3 weeks time but over the last few days, I've got a couple of hypo's and I seem to get very agressive thoughts! I wanted to stab my neighbour yesterday lol
Has anyone had anything like this as I'd prefer to have no signs than this, as I actually had knife in my hand when I started to come around with lucozade!



Well-Known Member
Hi Richard

One way to improve hypo awareness is to alter your target bg levels before you eat yr main meals. So instead of aiming to be between 4-7 try using a bg level of 6 or 7 before you eat and then bolus enough insulin so that you are about 9 mid morning or mid afternoon. Obviously on 9 you wont have to eat a snack but if below it you will most likely need to eat something between 5-10gms carbs in order that you dont hypo. Testing frequently like every 2.5hrs will help you no end in deciding what to do.

Are you using guesswork to calculate yr bolus insulin or do you use insulin to carb ratios?

All insulins will cause a problem with the way the brain behaves as our bg levels go very low.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Diet only
I split my lantus dose from 30 units in night to 8 units in am and 18 units in pm, I'm pretty good with judging the amount of apidra i use in comparison to what I eat. I'm nearly 18 yrs diabetic so I should be by now :D

I've a pretty laid back mentality so the idea of being agressive really shocked me to be honest!

Lets hope the old signs come back asap :D


Well-Known Member
What time of the day do you find yourself going into a hypo? Sometimes hypos can be caused by the basal dose being a bit too high or by not using the right amount of bolus. If the hypos are occuring in the afternoon then its probably yr basal that needs to be reduced but if hypos are in the morning, then its more than likely, yr bolus not right.

You can ask to change to a different basal and see if that makes a difference for you. Going so low that you find yourself behaving extremely weird is worrying so just try for the time being to prevent the hypos by testing like I said and eating if need be.


soaps on telly and people talking about the characters as if they were real.
Hi Richard
my T1 husband has had some scary hypos over the last35 years and he oft4en gets aggressive. Since he's 6 foot 3, I watch out for muyself.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Diet only
Thanks for the replies

Hypo's are occuring at different times but there's been only maybe 3 in the last week compared to a few months ago when i'd had maybe 15 a week! splitting my lantus and reducing the dose seemed to have worked out better for me but since i've lost the usual signs of a hypo for myself, its weird now to get agressive when my bg levels drop!

I'm seeing my consultant in a few weeks so hopefully we can come up with something



Active Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Hi Richard,
I am generally so laid back I'm horizontal, however I can also get symptoms of aggression with hypos. For some reason doing a 'big shop' can often bring this on, and the number of times I have felt immense trolley rage in Tescos (even on quiet days!) doesn't bear thinking of. Generally, if I don't address the hypo at this stage, I will then go on to develop the physical symptoms. It may be that you haven't lost your usual symptoms, just that some others are now acting as the trigger - this may well level out when you get the new regime sorted.