New type 1!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
My little one was sent away a week before with a virus and yeast infection. It's only when I spoke to my sister in law who is a paediatrician who specialises in diabetes that I knew! She lives Far away so she hadn't really seen her. Why docs tell people it's rare and send them home I don't know. Its not rare in children. It's so simple and quick to diagnose. It's nice to hear your GD has settled in so nicely at school and comforting to know. So worrying looking that far forward right now.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Highs and lows
Ive only met mind twice when i was in hospital and she seems lovely and gave me a lot of advice and support. I've heard a few people have been on that course, is it any good? I was going to ask my DSN about it.
The course is great. I knew a lot about my illness but still had a great time, meet some nice people and learnt loads