

Type of diabetes
Type 2
Hello, newly diagnosed in April T2 controlled by diet...reduced from 52 to 36 so doctors happy . DESMOND referral lost so being referred again.
I have started getting bouts of feeling a little light headed and shakey,, I am drinking lots of water and cutting carbs down to probably a good quarter if not less than I was having ..
Anyone got advice on what it might be....
Thank you


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
That is a brilliant reduction in so short a time. Well done. :)

I wouldn't worry too much about DESMOND.

Have you got your own blood glucose meter? If so, it would be a good idea to test yourself when you have these light headed moments in case you are going a bit low - or even a bit high. What sort of times are they happening? Is it after a meal or before a meal or when in a fasted state in the mornings before breakfast, after exercise? A little more information would be helpful.

Art Of Flowers

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Do you have a blood glucose meter?

Maybe you are not eating enough fat. Cutting carbs is ok, but you need to eat more fat to compensate.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
I will do a blood sugar test next time . Usually coming up to meal times is the usual time and I try to eat lots of cheese double cream in my coffee and as much fat as I can get in .....protein with lots of chicken and salmon ...I feel like you do when you haven't eaten for a while and you become's so hard when docs don't give much support...had to buy my own meter as they said I didn't need one !
Oh and forgot to ask having cramps in my calves too ...ouch ...think I need to add more salt and drink tonic water
Thank you


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
It could be several things. It could be a sudden drop in blood sugars, or your body reacting to lower than normal (for you) blood sugars, or any number of things. Testing is the only way to tell if this is the case. What sort of numbers do you see before and after meals as a general rule?
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Light headed and shaky are symptoms of a hypo. Depending on your BG reading, this may be a true hypo (under 4.0) or a false hypo as your body has been used to a higher BG. As your body gets used to lower BG, false hypo symptoms will subside.
If you are not taking and drugs, it is less likely to be a true hypo.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Ok here goes took reading which was 6.1 had tea of pesto chicken from diet doctor with cauliflower mash and asparagus, took reading 2 hours after and it was still 6.1