Newly diagnosed trying to manage by diet.. help please!


Well-Known Member
I found breakfast difficult at first. When you're so used to starting the day on grains it's difficult to switch to high fat or protein based meals.

I found scrambled egg the easiest to take on first, with a big lump of butter added, maybe some double cream if you are feeling decadent, mmmm.

Kippers are another fave drenched in malt vinegar, the wife hates the smell though. Mackerel in tomato sauce, another one I like, wife doesn't lol

More recently I've began thinking out side the box. Much of what we consider breakfast foods are learned out of habit. I've started having half a mozzarella ball, nice subtle flavour if you find you can't face strong foods first thing. Or sometimes I have full fat cream cheese rolled in a slice of ham or smoked salmon. A handful of macadamia nuts (Costco are THE best tasting and I've tried loads) and a slice of ham maybe.

I love cheese and/or mushroom omelettes, add some green chillies for a great supper and of course the good old fry up, streaky bacon, low carb sausages, mushrooms, egg.

Greek yogurt (get the highest fat content you can find), nuts and a FEW berries? Maybe a smoothie? There's loads of low carb smoothie recipes on the net.

Good luck!


PS if you need convincing, my fasting BG are rarely out of the 4s, they were 15/16 around diagnosis, I've also lost almost 3 stone since November 20th without even trying.


DeeCVee said:
I had lunch at the work canteen and substituted fish and chips for fish and a salad of mixed leaves, dressed with lemon juice. Admittedly, the fish was in batter, and I did eat the batter but it tasted good. I'm having prawn curry and pan-fried fish with steamed veg for dinner. Hopefully, this makes a difference to my fasting levels tomorrow.

Well, yesterday I didn't have any snacks between lunch and dinner. My BS level before dinner was.... drum roll please..... 5.3 :D

Two hours after dinner, which was prawn curry (made with coconut milk), pan fried tilapia fillet and mixed leaf salad, it was 7.2. I had an apple after I took that reading (between 10 and 11pm). On waking this morning my BS level was still 7.2.

Breakfast of bacon with 1 fried egg, 1/4 glass of breakfast juice (grapefruit & orange - not concentrated), coffee with sweetener. I'm going to leftover prawn curry with another pan fried tilapia fillet and steamed broccoli and caulifower.

I've haven't had kippers in years. I love fish so have no problems on that score. Have bought full fat Greek yoghurt and have been snacking on unsalted mixed nuts for years.

I now weigh in at 56.5kg and am 5'2", so am 'normal' for my height. Although I was normal for my height 18 months ago when I started to lose more weight. I went from size 10 to 8 in 12 months. Was stable size 10 for 2 years before that. At least I'm not losing more weight.

Those BS levels last night have made me feel good, emotionally, as I was started to get really down, especially as I don't yet know what type I am.

Need to get some blueberries and blackberries to have with the Greek yoghurt for breakfast tomorrow. I'll roast some nuts, roughly chop them and sprinkle them over. Yum.

It's a good thing I actually like healthy food, or this would a lot more difficult.

Try this for breakfast:

Serves 2

Smoked streaky bacon - roughly chopped
small onion - finely sliced
2 cloves garlic - finely chopped (optional)
4 chestnut mushrooms - finely sliced
green chilli - finely chopped
tomato - seeds removed and roughly chopped
2 large organic free range eggs - beaten
sea salt
freshly ground black pepper
generous pinch of dried oregano

1. Heat a non-stick frying pan on a medium heat until it's hot
2. Without adding oil, fry the bacon in a hot pan until it crisps up.
3. Add the onion and stir, whilst frying on medium heat until very lightly browned.
4. Add mushrooms and fry on high for a couple of minutes.
5. Add the green chilli and tomato, continue to fry, stirring from time to time.
6. Add the beaten egg, allow to set for a minute, then season.
7. Season with salt, pepper and oregano and then scramble.
8. Enjoy.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you have the typical genetic background, "thrifty genes" running through your family. We seem to have high levels of insulin resistance even in skinny and very fit people, probably we get that but not the leptin resistance which causes the overreating and deposition of fat.

Looks like you're learning fast already!


I am learning fast but I'm so frustrated at the time that has passed since I was first diagnosed.

So I had my Endo appointment yesterday. It's gone from 'you're Type 2', to 'we think you have Diabetes LADA' to the man I saw yesterday telling me 'that it appears you may be MODY'.


He has put me on Metformin 500mg twice a day. My mate who is Type 1.5 questions this as I'm not overweight. The doctor also told me that I should only be having 10mg of Simvastatin per day instead of 20 but hadn't written out a new prescription. I forgot to remind him also. He also chastised me for not eating a starchy carb with my meals. I reinforced that I had managed to bring down my levels to that of a non-diabetic on Friday by not eating ANY starchy carbs for the whole day. He didn't really comment apart from to ask where I would get my calories from and then answered his own question... fats, of course :) Bacon never tasted so good :lol:

Started Metformin last night but forgot to take it immediately after my meal and only remembered when I did my BS level check 2 hours later. I succumbed to a lot of starchy carbs yesterday from morning right through to my evening meal, so my reading after dinner was 16.3. This was at the same time that I took my dose of Metformin. One hour later, it was 14.7 and on fasting this morning it was 11.2.

More blood tests later this week and next appt on 23rd. He's ticked the following on the blood test form:

Bone profile; Glucose; HBA1c; Lipid profile; Liver profile; Prolactin; Thyroid profile; U&E profile; Urate; FBC; Ferritin; B12; Red Cell Folate; Autoantibodies.

He's hand-written 3 additional requests but I can only (just about) decipher one: UD levels

Translation please???? :?

sugarless sue

Rude people! Not being able to do the things I want to do.
Bone profile;.........Checking bone density
Glucose;............... Basically sugar in blood
HBA1c;................ 90 day percentage of sugar in blood
Lipid profile;..........Cholesterol and triglycerides
Liver profile; ........Checking if liver is Ok
Prolactin;.............. Lactation hormone
Thyroid profile; Checking thyroid is Ok
U&E profile; ..........Functioning of your kidneys and the level of various salts in the body.
Urate; ................Checking for levels of uric acid in blood
FBC; .........................Full Blood Count
Ferritin;................Iron in your blood
Bone profile;.........Checking bone density
Glucose;............... Basically sugar in blood
HBA1c;................ 90 day percentage of sugar in blood
Lipid profile;..........Cholesterol and triglycerides
Liver profile; ........Checking if liver is Ok
Prolactin;.............. Lactation hormone
Thyroid profile; Checking thyroid is Ok
U&E profile; ..........Functioning of your kidneys and the level of various salts in the body.
Urate; ................Checking for levels of uric acid in blood
FBC; .........................Full Blood Count
Ferritin;................Iron in your blood
B12; ...................Checking for pernicious anaemia
Red Cell Folate;....Checking levels of folic acid.
Autoantibodies... Autoantibodies attack the body's own cells, tissues, and/or organs, causing inflammation and damage.

Not sure about UD levels you would have to ask doctor about this one!

Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member

I calculate that an average sized person only needs to eat about 3 grams of pure glucose o r its equivalent to raise their BG by 4mmol/l ( if they are dependent on induced or injected indulin)

I would be interested how you've calcualated that 6g of pure glucouse increase 4mmol/l, actually the standard for most is 15g of fast acting (glucose) will being your bg up by 3mmol/l...

If you are a insulin user, and having a hypo, then you might actually need more than this to treat, standard practice, is 15g of fast acting hypo, wait 15 minutes, retest if still hypo treat with 15g of fast acting carbs..