Newly diagnosed waiting for treatment...


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
A few years back I was diagnosed due to two raised fasting glucose tests with my A1c being normal and the Dr said results were "confounding" but after going to group education sessions and constantly being questioned why I was there I ended up going to a different Dr who e-mailed the specialist at hospital who said no I wasn't diabetic and to monitor.

Flash forward to these past few weeks I've had a ridiculous dry mouth and drinking and weeing loads, so while at another appt with a nurse I mentioned this and she told me to book a blood test.

Although I knew the result was going to come back as being diabetic because of all the symptoms it's hit me like a freight train.

A little bit anxious as didn't think my HbA1c was going to be as high as it was at 124mmol/mol so not knowing what the treatment is going to be but I'll find out next week.

I'm already inadvertedly losing weight and don't think I'm personally that overweight. I mean I'm a 30yr old woman. Standing at 5ft4 tall and wear size 14 jeans.

I suffer with IBS so going forward I know the two diets aren't always going to go hand in hand. Recently I cut out garlic and cut down massively on lactose because my IBS flared up massively. I worry now if i cut things out or change things for diabetes my IBS will flare up or I'll end up with not many options of food in my diet which really getting me down.

I know it's super early days for me but I know its going to be an interesting journey...

Any useful tips, tricks and suggestions would be appreciated...


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
A little bit anxious as didn't think my HbA1c was going to be as high as it was at 124mmol/mol so not knowing what the treatment is going to be but I'll find out next week.

I'm already inadvertedly losing weight and don't think I'm personally that overweight.
Hi @Randomchlo93 , welcome to the forum.

I expect nothing will happen until after the weekend.
With numbers this high, there is a (very small) risk of DKA or ketoacidosis. So not to scare you, just to make sure you know the symptoms. Should you develop nausea, stomach ache, vomiting, a strange breathing pattern, or funny smelling breath (like pear drops or acetone is what I've heard it described), seek immediate medical help, don't wait until the morning.
I worry now if i cut things out or change things for diabetes my IBS will flare up or I'll end up with not many options of food in my diet which really getting me down.
Would you like sharing what types of food you can eat? We may be able to think of some things that won't make your blood glucose rise even more. How are you doing on meats, eggs, mayo, fish, things like that?


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
A few years back I was diagnosed due to two raised fasting glucose tests with my A1c being normal and the Dr said results were "confounding" but after going to group education sessions and constantly being questioned why I was there I ended up going to a different Dr who e-mailed the specialist at hospital who said no I wasn't diabetic and to monitor.

Flash forward to these past few weeks I've had a ridiculous dry mouth and drinking and weeing loads, so while at another appt with a nurse I mentioned this and she told me to book a blood test.

Although I knew the result was going to come back as being diabetic because of all the symptoms it's hit me like a freight train.

A little bit anxious as didn't think my HbA1c was going to be as high as it was at 124mmol/mol so not knowing what the treatment is going to be but I'll find out next week.

I'm already inadvertedly losing weight and don't think I'm personally that overweight. I mean I'm a 30yr old woman. Standing at 5ft4 tall and wear size 14 jeans.

I suffer with IBS so going forward I know the two diets aren't always going to go hand in hand. Recently I cut out garlic and cut down massively on lactose because my IBS flared up massively. I worry now if i cut things out or change things for diabetes my IBS will flare up or I'll end up with not many options of food in my diet which really getting me down.

I know it's super early days for me but I know its going to be an interesting journey...

Any useful tips, tricks and suggestions would be appreciated...
Firstly breathe

Secondly don't do anything drastic until you get your results, there are 2 main types of diabetes Type 1 where the body either suddenly or slowly stops making its own insulin and Type 2 where the body makes its own insulin but doesn't handle it well.
From what you said you may be either. Hopefully tests and time will tell.

Thirdly I had IBS and thought I had lactose intolerance, but going low carb has shown me it was actually wheat and other grains and sugar I was reacting to. My body is quite happy on low carb and I've had no IBs or lactose symptoms for over 3 years now. Don't worry about finding what to eat yet.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi @Randomchlo93 been there, done that and panicked this time 2 years ago and now surviving on low carb, a bunch of supplements and metformin, despite being officially T1 due to all the antibodies.

Diagnosed aged 51, all the thirsty, peeing, weightloss symptoms. I was at 129.5, and after taking the bull by the horns been in non-diabetic territory since 3 months in. My endo calls me one of his 'specials', because what is working probably shouldn't work but does, so my main advice is please don't panic, it will be ok!

We are all different, so what works for me, might, or might not work for you, but there are many here all willing to help and make suggestions, or just be here if you have questions.

I would suggest getting your hands on Jessie Inchausepé's Glucose Revolution, and also her cookbook, as although not specifically for diabetics, the science and suggestions could help with other issues including IBS too. and give you options and ideas what might work for you.

It will feel hard at this time of year - I typically survived December on Christmas cake and Quality Street but obviously no more, but even small changes in the next few week, less obvious sugars and carbs will start you in the right direction, you have gone this long eating the wrong things, so although I stupidly stopped eating completely for a bit, every little adjustment will help until you get your head round it.

I have said it elsewhere, be wary of your vision, mine went from a bit fuzzy before diagnosis to completely terrible for the 6-8 weeks after diagnosis as I was on insulin for a little while, and cut the sugars/carbs so quickly that my eyes couldn't keep up with the reduction in blood glucose - it happens, is 'normal' but scary - don't be fobbed off by a diabetic nurse who suggests popping to Specsavers as its a bit strange! Once my glucose levels stabilised my eyesight came back to normal - it's just a great big warning that I would have loved to have known about.

If you are put on 'regular' metformin, you might think you are having explosive IBS, but it happens to the best of us, and if it doesn't pass, there is a slow release version that may suit better, but always take the pills mid-meal, not on an empty stomach.

Just a brain dump of what I would have liked to have read - apologies if not that helpful, just know you are not alone.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Would you like sharing what types of food you can eat? We may be able to think of some things that won't make your blood glucose rise even more. How are you doing on meats, eggs, mayo, fish, things like that?

So the main foods I struggle with is lactose/ dairy related things like eggs can cause flare ups including anything with those in occasionally.
Anything with garlic, onion or spicy often sets me off.
Tbh recent most things have upset my stomach and I guess it might be related to all the excess fluid I've been drinking.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Hi @Randomchlo93

I have said it elsewhere, be wary of your vision, mine went from a bit fuzzy before diagnosis to completely terrible for the 6-8 weeks after diagnosis as I was on insulin for a little while, and cut the sugars/carbs so quickly that my eyes couldn't keep up with the reduction in blood glucose - it happens, is 'normal' but scary - don't be fobbed off by a diabetic nurse who suggests popping to Specsavers as its a bit strange! Once my glucose levels stabilised my eyesight came back to normal - it's just a great big warning that I would have loved to have known about.

So I think right now I'm struggling to focus and look at things close up for too long but I do have issues with distance that I wear glasses for anyway but this nugget of info is incredibly helpful thank you!
Feel like it's something that's going to be an issue for me.

Roll on Wednesday and see what the plan is for me


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
So I think right now I'm struggling to focus and look at things close up for too long but I do have issues with distance that I wear glasses for anyway but this nugget of info is incredibly helpful thank you!
Feel like it's something that's going to be an issue for me.

Roll on Wednesday and see what the plan is for me
I was using the reading bit of my varifocals for distance with a magnifying glass and pair of those over the counter +2.5s over the top and still not able to read at the worst - it was a statement look that's for sure! o_O
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