
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi all, I have posted questions on here before. I am still confused about blood sugar results. I have had over the last year concerning my HbA1c. the levels have been 38 / 39 mmoIL

When I refer these results on this website using NICE guide lines it shows any readings under 42 mmoIL is considered to be normal blood sugar levels. I am still being advised by my diabetes nurse that I am still a diabetic type 2!!?

Can any one advise me on this issue.

Kind regards



Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Yes you are still diabetic, you just have excellent control now so that your readings are normal. That's great. Keep it up. :) If you go back to your old ways and weight though you will register higher figures again, that's why your nurse still says you are T2. It's good in that you get the free foot and eye test annually anyway.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Yes you are still diabetic, you just have excellent control now so that your readings are normal. That's great. Keep it up. :) If you go back to your old ways and weight though you will register higher figures again, that's why your nurse still says you are T2. It's good in that you get the free foot and eye test annually anyway.

Yes you are still diabetic, you just have excellent control now so that your readings are normal. That's great. Keep it up. :) If you go back to your old ways and weight though you will register higher figures again, that's why your nurse still says you are T2. It's good in that you get the free foot and eye test annually anyway.

Thanks for your reply Zand, I have seen your readings on your reply. well done to you. I suppose it makes sense not to think I can fall back to my old eating habits. I agree it is good to get the eye and feet check ups annually.

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