Nurse advises vegan diet not healthy


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Hi guys,

Just a friendly heads up that the thread is beginning to go off topic slightly and is in danger of being derailed, please be aware of OP question asking for advice on vegan diet to help with T2 control, not about reversal and the best way to go about it.

Let’s get back on topic please guys

Kind regards lovinglife on behalf of the moderator team


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Type 2
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Diet only
Hi Annie, I’m vegetarian, and have never eaten meat or fish, I don’t understand how being veggie or vegan is bad for people, but I will follow your post to try and learn something new I cook meat for family but not for me.
The point here is that veggie/vegan can be a lot higher carb and have a lot fewer low carb options for a type 2 diabetic.

It takes more knowledge and awareness to meet nutritional needs being vegan in general, doubly so when trying to also meet diabetic needs as well. It’s doable. But harder.


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HSSS, I’m learning that being Pre diabetic and knowing what to eat, and when is something one needs a degree in. I’ve never really believed that me being veggie provided me with a balance diet, but it’s all I’ve ever known. At the ripe old age of 63 I have to rewrite my whole diet, it’s depressing. I know it’s down to me, but my diet is soooooo very limited.
Eggs are a great option for you. In simplistic terms decreasing any processed foods, increasing the non starchy veg, full fat dairy and reducing the carriers like bread, rice, pasta and potatoes. Have you looked at the veggie section I linked to in my first post above for ideas? Would you consider fish? I ask be cause my veggie since toddlerhood OH added in fish and found he actually liked them (so long as they are overcooked and dried out - urghh) whilst giving him a lot of nutrients.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
HSSS, I’m learning that being Pre diabetic and knowing what to eat, and when is something one needs a degree in. I’ve never really believed that me being veggie provided me with a balance diet, but it’s all I’ve ever known. At the ripe old age of 63 I have to rewrite my whole diet, it’s depressing. I know it’s down to me, but my diet is soooooo very limited.
Do you currently log what you eat in an app or on paper at all?

Reason I ask is that you're prediabetic, so you can afford some time to figure things out.

One approach I've read about from people in your situation is where they eat normally for a week, as they always have, logging everything. Then, from there they look for weak spots in that week's food log - foods particularly high in carbs generally, or high in sugar, or even where they didn't particularly enjoy a meal or it made them feel tired after. Once the highest priority weak spots are identified, they swap out the offending item/ingredient for a better alternative, or drop it completely. They then repeat each week, slowly adapting their diet, improving it bit by bit rather than in one massive change.

Might be a bit of an admin overhead admittedly, but it could be a smoother route forward to where you need to get to.

Most important is to not panic. You can do this, it's a marathon and not a sprint. Overall, as long as you're picking better options and making better choices, little by little, that's the most important thing.
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