Omnipod 5 & Freestyle Libre 2 Plus Hybrid Closed Loop


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Is anyone currently trialling or using the Omnipod 5/Freestyle Libre 2 Plus hybrid closed loop?

If so (if you are trialling that specific system, assuming you have not signed a non disclosure agreement concerning the trial), might you be able/willing to say whether you are content or discontent with the Omnipod 5/Freestyle Libre 2 Plus HCL system and if so why?

Would be particularly interested to know if you have found the Freestyle Libre 2 Plus is providing accurate glucose readings.

Also, whether you have noticed persistent signal loss issues with the Libre 2 Plus that a significant number of users of the current Freestyle Libre 2 have reported previously.

I'm due to speak to my Consultant and DSN in the next couple of months about the Omnipod 5 and Libre HCL and it would really help to hear from others.

Thank you!
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I too would be very interested in the reply’s to this. I’m currently on Omnipod 5 but with Dexcom G1 sensors with a Anubis G6 transmitter. Self funding. I managed to get hold of a new Libre 2 plus sensor and wore it the as an additional sensor and compared the values.

So far the first few days I was not impressed Libre 2 plus reading 11.1 and unable to calibrate, against dexcom reading 9.00.

From what I can see the Libre appears to react much quicker to rising glucose values and seems more inaccurate at higher levels.

This concerns me as in auto mode Omnipod would be giving additional un-necessary insulin. Once levels drop to around the 6 mark the readings are more in-line with Dexcom, and it seems more accurate down in the lower levels.

I will at some stage be forced to switch to libre 2 plus,as will be free on prescription, and Dexcom 1 will be phased out to the same format as the G7,and I’ve no intentions of self funding cgm’s as well as omnipod 5.

For signal loss nothing to my phone, cannot speak about omnipod 5 integration as not connected. Dexcom has connected flawlessly, as long as sensor/ omnipod are on the same side of the body
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I just started omnipod 5 with dexcomm G6 4 days ago and I can't say how much I love it so far. I feel as if a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I can enjoy life again without diabetes management always being to the forefront of my mind. It is a breath of fresh air!
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Richard F

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I'm using omnipod 5 and libre 2.

I'd love to go HCL but don't qualify under NICE guidelines, my Hbaic is around 50, hypos controlled and not pregnant.

Anyone managed to use HCL despite not hitting NICE criteria?


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I'm using omnipod 5 and libre 2.

I'd love to go HCL but don't qualify under NICE guidelines, my Hbaic is around 50, hypos controlled and not pregnant.

Anyone managed to use HCL despite not hitting

I'm using omnipod 5 and libre 2.

I'd love to go HCL but don't qualify under NICE guidelines, my Hbaic is around 50, hypos controlled and not pregnant.

Anyone managed to use HCL despite not hitting NICE criteria?
Hi Richard, my last hba1c was also 50 but I was exhausted monitoring, checking, correcting and spoke very openly to my consultant about it. At my last consultation when he told me that he had put me forward for omnipod 5 he did say to try and help with the emotional pressure. I had previously gave him an example that I didn't want to be greedy but to have just one day free of diabetes would be my dream come true. Best of luck and I genuinely hope you get considered
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Richard F

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Thx that's positive news, I'll speak to them. I've decent control but only by carrying out out 30-40 tests per day with 2 or 3 finger pricks too!


I've just gone on Omnipod5 with Dexcom 6 sensor closed loop system, this is my first pump Ive been on and quiet impressed with it

I went on the pump reluctantly as I enjoy the hassle free pen therapy with Libre sensor but being Type one for 46 years and loss of hypo awareness, terrible night hypos and retinopathy creeping in it was right choice

I thought all Type 1 diabetics qualified for closed loop system as my consultant and diabetic nurse have been pushing me for the pump for years?
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Richard F

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Not all, its recommended for hba1c of 58 and above, uncontrolled hypos, pregnancy.

Otherwise, discretionally AFAIK.

Richard F

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Is anyone self funding? What's the attitude and support from the diabetic clinic? Where do you get your supplies?
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Richard F

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I've just been looking at my omnipod controller, it'll only hook up to a dexcom g6 so guessing we're waiting for the tech to catch up.


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Is anyone self funding? What's the attitude and support from the diabetic clinic? Where do you get your supplies?

I’ve been self funding for while now, much too well controlled to be eligible, but that the numbers do not show the mental constant burden.

For Insulet ( Omnipod) to deal with you an email will be required from your diabetic team stating they can support you. For sensors I’ve been using Dexcom one ( on prescription) but with a Dexcom G6 transmitter ( self funded) this works just like the regular omnipod 5/ Dexcom g6 setup. This “loop hole” is about to be closed with the new Dexcom 1 plus, but good news is the new freestyle libre 2 plus will work with Omnipod 5 and it will be on prescription.

Richard F

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I’ve been self funding for while now, much too well controlled to be eligible, but that the numbers do not show the mental constant burden.

For Insulet ( Omnipod) to deal with you an email will be required from your diabetic team stating they can support you. For sensors I’ve been using Dexcom one ( on prescription) but with a Dexcom G6 transmitter ( self funded) this works just like the regular omnipod 5/ Dexcom g6 setup. This “loop hole” is about to be closed with the new Dexcom 1 plus, but good news is the new freestyle libre 2 plus will work with Omnipod 5 and it will be on prescription.
Thank you, when I check my omnipod 5 controller it only shows dexcom G6 as compatible. Will the software be upgraded automatically? If so does anyone have an idea of when?


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Thank you, when I check my omnipod 5 controller it only shows dexcom G6 as compatible. Will the software be upgraded automatically? If so does anyone have an idea of when?

Once it was official that libre 2 plus could be used with Omnipod I contacted them to inquire what was required. Would you believe another email from my diabetic team. That was a quick one. Insulet told me I would have to purchase another PDM which I questioned at a later date with one of there specialist who confirmed a software update would be pushed at some stage to the pdm for free, so basically hang tight.

There are major drawbacks with libre2 plus as it connects direct with the PDM. This means it won’t work on your phone, no one can follow your readings and it won’t connect to a smart watch. All of which I utilise, I will hold out as long as possible until the software comes to iOS ( is on limited trial atm in USA)

Richard F

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Thank you once again.

I'm not to worried about info on my phone, or a smart watch. I can upload the PDM, whenever I sit at my desk and as long as I get alarms I'll be just fine.

Richard F

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Dead excited, just had a telephone consultation with the consultant. Libre 2 plus, was approved for prescription 10 days ago.

They're still waiting for some info but should be able to swap me onto HCL in a few weeks. Not sure if I'll need a new omnipod 5 PDM or if a software upgrade is being pushed through.