Omnipod 5


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Hi, I am currently using a Tandem T:slim with a Dexcom g6 I love the closed loop technology and use Control IQ all the time. I have the opportunity to move to Omnipod 5. The massive advantage is tubeless which really appeals to me. Does anyone have experience of the Omnipod 5? Bulkiness of the pod, connectivity issues with the pod and G6 having to be in line of site, is the algorithm similar to the T slim, does the hand held controller work well.
Any advice, pros/cons would be much appreciated. Thanks
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Hi, l've been using the Omnipod5 pump for three months, having previously used the Omnipod DASH pump for the previous 18 months or so and have been type1 for 45 years, having been diagnosed at 28 years of age.
Sorry, can't compare the Omnipod 5 to your pump, but can tell you how l'm finding it.
I love it. Very easy to use and as you say, being tubeless it is very convenient. It works well with the Dexcom G6 sensors (using the G6 app, on an Android phone). However, not all Android phones are compatible with the G6 app, so check the compatibility on the Dexcom website carefully. I use another app, Carbs & Cals, to calculate my carb intake which l then input using the Omnipod5 Controller.
☆It is worth noting that, I understand, the Omnipod5 can only be used with the following insulins:
NovoLog/NovoRapid, Humalog and Admelog U-100.☆
If I can be of any further use to you, please just ask.


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People judging my condition not knowing enough about it.
Hi, I have been type 1 for 51 years and was given the Omnipod in 2015. In August of this year I was given the Omnipod 5 together with the Dexcom G6.
I also can’t compare to your pump but can say that I am very happy with my devices.
I do find it’s a bit difficult sometimes to ensure the 2 devices are in sight of each other when trying to change sites but it’s not impossible.
So far I haven’t had any issues and my time in range is now above 80%. I also feel I’m more likely n control and the pump is doing it’s job of keeping me in range. The only time it goes a bit awry is when I miscalculate carbs intake and that’s my fault not the pump.
Game changer! Good luck
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Hi, I am currently using a Tandem T:slim with a Dexcom g6 I love the closed loop technology and use Control IQ all the time. I have the opportunity to move to Omnipod 5. The massive advantage is tubeless which really appeals to me. Does anyone have experience of the Omnipod 5? Bulkiness of the pod, connectivity issues with the pod and G6 having to be in line of site, is the algorithm similar to the T slim, does the hand held controller work well.
Any advice, pros/cons would be much appreciated. Thanks
I am going on it tomorrow, currently on the dash which I love. When I first went on it I was having a lot of leaks, I was at the point of coming off. Then another user advised me to pinch up, but push down on the cannula end. I found if I did this Firmly, No leaks!!!


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.... a bit difficult sometimes to ensure the 2 devices are in sight of each other....
How close to each other do DexcomG6 and Omnipod5 need to be? Currently I use Tandem t:slimX2. There is loss of signal between G6 on my waist and the pump, if I carry the pump in a pocket on the opposite side of the body.


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I am going on it tomorrow, currently on the dash which I love. When I first went on it I was having a lot of leaks, I was at the point of coming off. Then another user advised me to pinch up, but push down on the cannula end. I found if I did this Firmly, No leaks!!!
I was put on omni 5 yesterday. What a difference to the dash (which is good) FANTASTIC. I feel better, steadier. I could not be happier. Got to come off auto today though to change dexcom& transmitter.


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Still loving it. Been 100% in range so far. But going digging on allotment soon. So using activity mode. Will see how it goes. Will take it easy and ready for glucose.
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Yes had a few ups and downs lately but improving. Most times I find to take half my meal bolus 12 mins before. Then the other half about 2 mins before meal. Bed time it's steady all through the night. Had to increase bolus


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Yes had a few ups and downs lately but improving. Most times I find to take half my meal bolus 12 mins before. Then the other half about 2 mins before meal. Bed time it's steady all through the night. Had to increase bolus
I'm going on Omnipod 5 soon I hope, I'm on Omnipod dash at moment, since April and can't get basal right, keep changing it, so hopefully Omnipod 5 with Dexcom g6 will answer my problems, love tubeless pumps, glad it's working out for you.


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Been on the 5 a week now and no longer as happy. During the night it is perfectly steady, although slightly high. But daytime is rubbish. I am now high all day. I think it is lowering my basal. I have been dsing increasing bolus amount by reducing carb ratio, but making little difference. Early day's yet though. Don't want to use auto at bed time but manual in day. Hoping for progress.
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Been absolutely spot on during bed time. But at about 8am it zooms up. This is my 4th pod. I went carb free for breakfast and it went up to about 12mmol. But it has to learn. Suppose if you think of it most people get up to go to work, many might drive. It's best to cover those than them run low. But hopefully it might learn I am different. I have occasionally switched to manual. But pod change today. Hoping it improves.


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Hi, I have been type 1 for 51 years and was given the Omnipod in 2015. In August of this year I was given the Omnipod 5 together with the Dexcom G6.
I also can’t compare to your pump but can say that I am very happy with my devices.
I do find it’s a bit difficult sometimes to ensure the 2 devices are in sight of each other when trying to change sites but it’s not impossible.
So far I haven’t had any issues and my time in range is now above 80%. I also feel I’m more likely n control and the pump is doing it’s job of keeping me in range. The only time it goes a bit awry is when I miscalculate carbs intake and that’s my fault not the pump.
Game changer! Good luck
I am now on the 5. I see your levels are 80% plus. So is mine just about. I was hoping it would be better. What levels would yours be in the daytime if you kept carbs down. I went carb free for most of the day and it still went above 10mmol. But bedtime it's much lower and steady.


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Hi, I am currently using a Tandem T:slim with a Dexcom g6 I love the closed loop technology and use Control IQ all the time. I have the opportunity to move to Omnipod 5. The massive advantage is tubeless which really appeals to me. Does anyone have experience of the Omnipod 5? Bulkiness of the pod, connectivity issues with the pod and G6 having to be in line of site, is the algorithm similar to the T slim, does the hand held controller work well.
Any advice, pros/cons would be much appreciated. Thanks
Hi been on it a bit longer now. Pdm works well, no connectivity issues. However I am constantly running high. The auto has cut down my basal a lot. I have increased my bolus amounts. So bow I am now close to 50/50 bolus to basal amounts. Still high. I have been told to not fiddle. So now this morning I am 16.1. That's high, its because insufficient basal. I cannot control this. I have been told not to correction bolus. All my team say let it work. Been on it nearly 2 weeks. I have major laser treatments in both eyes. Cannot have any more. So if I bleed might lose eyesight. My advise at moment is don't


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Hi been on it a bit longer now. Pdm works well, no connectivity issues. However I am constantly running high. The auto has cut down my basal a lot. I have increased my bolus amounts. So bow I am now close to 50/50 bolus to basal amounts. Still high. I have been told to not fiddle. So now this morning I am 16.1. That's high, its because insufficient basal. I cannot control this. I have been told not to correction bolus. All my team say let it work. Been on it nearly 2 weeks. I have major laser treatments in both eyes. Cannot have any more. So if I bleed might lose eyesight. My advise at moment is don't
It is all very well to trust your hospital diabetes team, and they may be wonderful. However, when you have been told 'not to fiddle' and your reading are that high, I suspect that you basal insulin ought to be higher. Even if the pump has been set up to 'learn', I cannot understand why you have been told not to do correction boluses. I will always inject a correction bolus if my readings go to 14. The sick day rules say to correct above 14. I am on a different pump, but I do correction boluses with my in insulin pen when I need them.


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It is all very well to trust your hospital diabetes team, and they may be wonderful. However, when you have been told 'not to fiddle' and your reading are that high, I suspect that you basal insulin ought to be higher. Even if the pump has been set up to 'learn', I cannot understand why you have been told not to do correction boluses. I will always inject a correction bolus if my readings go to 14. The sick day rules say to correct above 14. I am on a different pump, but I do correction boluses with my in insulin pen when I need them.
On this system the basal cannot be increased. I put my original basal in but it has been reducing it automatically. The first 2 days were good.


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On this system the basal cannot be increased. I put my original basal in but it has been reducing it automatically. The first 2 days were good.
I hope that another Omnipod user will pick this up. It is interesting that the first two days were good. Have you been emailing your hospital diabetes team about the high readings?


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I waiting until my tandem contract expires in about 9 months
Omnipod is quite different in that is learns where tandem does not

Now it's getting cold my dog tends to sleep a little closer and I'm constantly having to drag my pump out from under the dog so a tubeless is very appealing. My only issue is it only holds 200u insulin so unless I can get approved for 2 day changes it won't be any good
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I hope that another Omnipod user will pick this up. It is interesting that the first two days were good. Have you been emailing your hospital diabetes team about the high readings?
I have now been told not to email unless it is an emergency. My nurse only works part time anyway. Yesterday I bolused for 45g carbs, which I know was correct. But levels went 14 for over an hour. Then to 15, then 16, then finally 17.6. Then controller said to test blood and calibrate. Then to switch to manual. Which let me put set temp basal of +95%. This brought level down. 40mins later I switched back to Auto. But my problems are not lack of bolus as this was a one off


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I have now been told not to email unless it is an emergency. My nurse only works part time anyway. Yesterday I bolused for 45g carbs, which I know was correct. But levels went 14 for over an hour. Then to 15, then 16, then finally 17.6. Then controller said to test blood and calibrate. Then to switch to manual. Which let me put set temp basal of +95%. This brought level down. 40mins later I switched back to Auto. But my problems are not lack of bolus as this was a one off
It is good that you have temporary basal facility. Perhaps the pump learns from that as well, on manual mode?
I think that I am fortunate in that if I send an email to the hospital diabetes nurses, it could be any one of the five or six nurses on duty to read it. So I get answers on the same day. However I would not ' emergency'. If I have an emergency I would telephone them and, if no answer, then either 111 or 999.
I wonder how soon after bolusing do you eat? I used to bolus 20 minutes before eating, but in the last six months, or so, I find that I must bolus 45 minutes, or even one hour, before eating to avoid my readings going too high.


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It is good that you have temporary basal facility. Perhaps the pump learns from that as well, on manual mode?
I think that I am fortunate in that if I send an email to the hospital diabetes nurses, it could be any one of the five or six nurses on duty to read it. So I get answers on the same day. However I would not ' emergency'. If I have an emergency I would telephone them and, if no answer, then either 111 or 999.
I wonder how soon after bolusing do you eat? I used to bolus 20 minutes before eating, but in the last six months, or so, I find that I must bolus 45 minutes, or even one hour, before eating to avoid my readings going too high.
Well they also insisting I eat straight after bolusing. On the dash I used to delay 10 or even 20 if I was high.
This morning I have eaten nothing, no carbs. But it is now on 12mmol. So, 8 when I got up, 12 now 3 1/2 hours. Still going up. It's not learning at all