Hi everybody,
My bg is a little awry at the moment and I have thrush. this is a common problem when my bg has been uncontrolled for a few days.
I went to get some canestan to sort it out but the girl on the till refused to sell it to me as I was over 60! ( I’m 62). How long has this been a thing?
I spoke to the pharmacist who relented but for goodness sake! He wanted me to have a review…(so no time soon then). I said that I had my problem now and it needed sorting out now.
This was at Boots
Anybody else experienced this? Any thoughts? Tips (apart from ‘say you’re 58).
You are lucky the Phamacist relented. I’m on Forixiga for my Diabetes and often get thrush but keep it at bay by using a little cannesten every week.
I have been refused because I am Diabetic even though One the side effects of Forixiga is Thrush.
I have been refused in my small local pharmacy after a very embarrassing conversation in public in the small shop. I have also been refused in Tesco Express Manvers/Rotherham. Who previously took Cannesten off sale at the general tills so that you had to use the in store pharmacy. This time I was successful and common sense prevailed. At the same shop different pharmacist, refused.
I will now have Lie, or get my wife to get me some on my behalf.
It’s madness that you have go through this process and feel like you are asking for methodone or something. To be left in discomfort untreated when getting to speak to a doctor or getting an appointment is neigh on impossible or months away is just crazy.