Phase 1


Good morning all..

A quick question for the people in the know :wink: At my last yearly check my bs was 3.8(5th year running) and my total cholestorol was 5.9! My diabetic nurse told me to sacrafise some of my weight(lost 8 stone, low carb) and bs levels to bring my cholestrol down!! So slowly I have put on about a stone!! However im not happy at all so I have decided to phase 1 this week to cut it back to 1/2 stone. well day 6 and I have only managed 1.8 pounds!! Im no stranger to low carb and find this disappointing!! My ketone strips are showing light purple but only managed the above, has my body got used to the low carb thing and its just taking time?? Any advise would be great.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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If she said you had lost too much weight, and needed to regain some, why do you not want to?


no not all as my bmi was still showing I was over weight!! But now im evn more over weight with according to my bmi!! I dont want to because Ive started to feel over weight and not comfortable with my self with the extra stone!!!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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If you've been restricting carbs for a while, how long have you been eating carbs for?
What amount did you restrict to, and then increase to.

It probably affects where you've started to store the excess glucose, whether as a short term store or long term fat.

I'm just out to lose weight myself, so I'm on low calorie diet, low fat and avoiding bad carbs.
I wouldn't call it low carb myself, but as I'm restricting my calorie intake overall, I guess it would actually be low carb by default.
It's certainly brought my bs levels, cholesterol, and weight down.


I slowly started eating pasta few times a week, bread at weeknds(mainly ciabatta), more potatoes and few rich tea biscuits(treat) for about the last 6 months and put on about 12lbs(so eay to put it on lol) but as I said Im not happy with the way I feel regardless of the figures.

My aim is to be closer to the 16 stone rather than the 17 stone as clothes etc start to feel diffrent. Its a catch 22 situation really!! I will push on for another week as see how it goes.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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Those are carbs I avoid as the push my bs up.

My dietician has also told me to restrict those as I want to lose weight.

How about a low fat, low carb diet, and see if that helps?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Non-insulin injectable medication (incretin mimetics)
Thegaffer, you have done so well, brilliant in fact. I would ignore the nurse, do as you feel. Its obviously suiting you. Its more important to have a good BS level. Lots of controversy about cholesterol and how it gets higher as you get older in order to protect your body. Read Dr Briffa and Dr Kendrick, both have websites. It seems the less we weigh the longer we can live and in better condition as you are proving with how you feel.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
I'm not decided high cholesterol protects my body.
I'm getting older, and I'm happy to keep it down, along with my bs.

I'm also happy to weight less.

I'll take some convincing I need to actually raise my cholesterol to be healthy.
I'm probably too indoctrinated.
Good bs
Good cholesterol
Good bmi.

Each to his own though.
We're the first generation that's had the ability to check their own bs regularly, and also be able to selectively change diet to whatever we choose, so the next generation will be able to fine tune it depending on who does live the longest. At least my kids will get something out of this. :thumbup:


soaps on telly and people talking about the characters as if they were real.
What is your HDL cholesterol? If most of that 5.9 is HDL, that isn't a problem, even if you believe cholesterrol shuould be low and I'm pretty sure I DON'T
I'd also say, that unless, your weight is low enough to jeopardise your health or you are at risk of Anorexia, keep to the weight you prefer.