phenindione anticoagulants and type 2.


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the smell of bacon boiling, sweaty feet, nose pickers and eaters. lol.

I should do this properly and post a proper question instead of hijacking other ppls posts which is a bit rude.

I am a 44 yr old male, and I am on Phenindione anticoagulants for life, owing to 5 pulmonary emboli
(blood clots in the lungs) and 24 DVT's (blood clots in the legs).

I have been diagnosed as diabetic type 2 for 2 years and I test my Blood sugars myself.

I have been limited to various medications over the years because of the risk of a bleed because my Blood clotting INR (international ratio) has been maintained at quite a high level ie theraputic range 4.25 to 4.75

this limits use of certain antibiotics and I also have to watch what I eat ie no brocolli & spinnach because of the high iron content which can thin the blood further, I also cannot have much alcohol.

I take Gliclazide 80mgs twice a day and my sugars have been between 13 and 17 for the last 3 months. I have lost weight over 5 stone in 2 years down to 17 from 23 stone.

I dont get much excersize because of the constant pain in my legs due to the damage and poor circulation caused by the blood clots I had.

I was recently prescribed metformin 500mg tablets to be taken alongside the Gliclazide 160mg a day
but after one pill I was vomiting after only four hours and diaorea followed for the next 6 hours.
when I contacted the GP she said thats your oral options all used up you'll now need to go onto insulin.

when I butted in on someone elses post on this site I was told that there are more oral pill options I have also been adviced to get a second opinion.

the Insulin using people seem to want to talk me into going onto insulin and the oral pill people seem to want to advise me not to go onto insulin, so I am confused a little now.

Is there anyone out there also on the same oral anticoagulants taking different pills to Gliclazide?
i apreciate that there may be lots of people on Warfarin, but phenindione acts quicker in the system and has to be taken twice a day opposed to a once a day dose of Warfarin.

it would be great if I had access to the BMF or BMI (whatever) book of drugs so that I could look up all these other pills myself and see the ones that dont mix with my anticoagulants.
i dont think my GP is being honest with me although my anticoagulants being more agressive than warfarin might be the big difference, it would be good to compare notes with someone else on phenindione or dindevan.

there you have it a breif history done properly without hijacking another post.
please accept my appolagies everyone that I butted in on I went bull at a gate when I saw something I could relate to.

best wishes.

Nigel. :wink:



I shall print them off and add them below, thanks for looking.

right here they are according to Cugila who found them for me these are ok with Warfarin, I dont know about Phenindione I havent had anymore replies since yesterday.

Metformin Slow Release.
Bolamyn Slow Release.
Glucophage Slow release.

Apparently the GP should also consider Sulfonylurea if the person is not overweight or does not tolerate Metformin.(which I did not).

I do wonder why the GP did not prescribe Slow release Metformin as a replacement for the standard Metformin, perhaps this has something in it that will agrevate my blood clotting drugs.

I have returned my standard Metformin to the chemists for disposal as they made me violently sick within four hours of taking them, I am still taking my gliclazide 160mg a day.

regards Nigel. :wink:


Active Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
the smell of bacon boiling, sweaty feet, nose pickers and eaters. lol.
oojimmyfllip said:

I shall print them off and add them below, thanks for looking.

right here they are according to Cugila who found them for me these are ok with Warfarin, I dont know about Phenindione I havent had anymore replies since yesterday.

Metformin Slow Release.
Bolamyn Slow Release.
Glucophage Slow release.

Apparently the GP should also consider Sulphonylureas if the person is not overweight or does not tolerate Metformin.(which I did not).

I do wonder why the GP did not prescribe Slow release Metformin as a replacement for the standard Metformin, perhaps this has something in it that will agrevate my blood clotting drugs.

I have returned my standard Metformin to the chemists for disposal as they made me violently sick within four hours of taking them, I am still taking my gliclazide 160mg a day.

regards Nigel. :wink:

thanks for the help with the above Sue, I have found that Cugila's recomended drugs are mostly Metformin based and this is the one drug I have the most problems with.

the only one that is not Metformin based is Glucophage but this causes problems with the blood and Unfortunately I cannot take them for that reason. they also increase the risk of Hypos which last a very long time and must be treated in Hospital.

it does look as though the GP was possibly right and I may well be at the end of the road for oral meds I will check these names with the chemist on Monday and perhaps he can help me understand some of the techy jargon in that book we discused on the PM pages.

the run down of my anticoagulant phenindione gives warnnings about tolbutamide which is a sulphonylurea type drug incompatable with phenindione.
the other drug listed is glucagon which is a intavenously injected sugar use to recover a patient from a severe hypo. so I guess avioding severe hypos is a must in my case because I take phenindione, this is the trouble with my other pills your dammed if you do and your dammed if you don't it is a very hard thing to live with being on phenindione for life you have to be so careful.
I could wake up half way through the night with a nose bleed for absolutely no reason what so ever and find myself hospitalised for a week because of it.

I might just have to face it and go on insulin anyway. OMG now I'm depressed. :cry:

thanks again for everyones help.

regards Nigel. :wink: