Poor state of treatment


I have been diagnosed as type 2 since 2002 recently I have been experiencing problems with high blood sugar level, my doctor not wanting to contradict treatment from hospital referred me back to the hospital in March, last week I attended an appointment at the hospital thinking the consultant would change my medicines only to be told he is referring me to the Community Diabetes Nurses, whom will see me when they receive the referral which will take up to 6 weeks and then when they have a free appointment date, looking at October they will do as they did before recommend changes and write to my Gp to administer the changes so I may get a nice Christmas present of a change . I have had high BS for nearly a year and just get told to give the medicines time to work I think 6 months on medication that is clearly not working is long enough, the situation has come to the point that I am very angry and depressed


Active Member
Hi Melboi and welcome to the forum,

I am sorry to hear you are feeling so low. It sounds very frustrating.

Do you want to tell us a bit more about your situation and hopefully there will be someone who can offer some advice for you?



It would appear that I am in a triangle , being treated by two PCT's , Since I moved in 2009 I am in a new PCT area, My consultant is in my old PCT as are the Diabetc community nurses, My new doctor is in another PCT and have differing practices concerning Diabetes , basically what this involves is in-house care, via a trained Diabetes Nurse, now comes the stumbling point, when I registered with my new doctor he took on my care and treatment, The treatment that I was taking was considered wrong as I was gaining weight, even though I had good Control HbA1c of 4.9 I had been on this treatment for 3 years , then began the pill shuffling try this and that , I tried to explain I was happy with the meds I was on but my protesting fell on deaf ears AT NO TIME did he ask for details of my treatment from the hospital. no to say I changed my doctor , to another surgery, but it is just the same , in house nurses, This is one of the reasons that I wrote to my Hospital consultant for an appointment, not to say that he was not amused by what had happened to me, we had worked together to get the right treatment that worked for me , he was not worried about a bit of weight gain, He has advised me to drop the in house treatment and service and return to the Community team, I know that when this is eventually sorted out I will get the treatment that works for me. and will have the care and regular checks to see that all goes well. The frustrating thing is the waiting. I will update as this develops


I have been contacted by the Diabetes nursing team, they have listened to my concerns and acted upon them, I start back on Victoza next week supported by Novamix 30 what I was on ,and what worked for me . Result!!!!