Possibility of delayed pain management.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Poor grammar, bullying and drunks.
I am pleased that you feel better i am due for my infusion on Thursday and then about 10 day of being able to manage which is a godsend. The feeling you get when the pain is better is great as you can do things that other people take for granted and the boost it gives your mental health it is like having a new body for a bit. While you are pain free enjoy yourself because these good days so not last long enough, after Thursday i plan to finish my xmas shopping and wrap the kids presents up even though the are 12 and 14!!! If i am lucky they may increase the dose so i can get over xmas i hope yours lasts long enough for you to enjoy your self and with seeing the pain management team they might be able to give you something that can help you have more good days.

Good luck with your treatment.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Lol! Me calm? Just call me Ali Baba 'cos I am the one hiding in the wash basket.

Getting into a wash basket my you are pain free. :)So pleased to read that it's kicking in. What's a few days of higher than normal bgl's (I know it's a lot) but to be in less pain.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I am pleased that you feel better i am due for my infusion on Thursday and then about 10 day of being able to manage which is a godsend. The feeling you get when the pain is better is great as you can do things that other people take for granted and the boost it gives your mental health it is like having a new body for a bit. While you are pain free enjoy yourself because these good days so not last long enough, after Thursday i plan to finish my xmas shopping and wrap the kids presents up even though the are 12 and 14!!! If i am lucky they may increase the dose so i can get over xmas i hope yours lasts long enough for you to enjoy your self and with seeing the pain management team they might be able to give you something that can help you have more good days.

Good luck on Thursday.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Keep us posted @leahkian ?
I get pain from back and scatica but i better your twos suffering, so much worse. I wish you a huge good luck luck. ;)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Guzzler I have had nerve damage for the last 15 years but at first it was thought i had carpel tunnel and a trapped nerve in my elbow. In 2015 i had a SPK transplant which went well but with my sugars returning no normal level the nerve damage that 36 years came to light before the op i was taking paracetamol and when the pain was bad tramadol. After 4 months post-op the pain was getting to much as i was taking 8 paracetamol and tramadol a day, so they put me on amitriptyline and pre gabaline.. These made no difference apart from putting weight on, so i was referred to pain managament who gave me a lidocaine infusion every 6 weeks which dulled the pain for 7-10 days. It has been 2 years now and my infusion are every month now and we are going to talk in the new year about increasing the dose. The pain is all over my body but the main problem is has effected my bladder and bowel and there is nothing there can do, most days my hands and from the knee down go numb at some point which is not nice when you stand up and then fall to the ground because you have no feeling. All the consultants i see and there is a lot of them say it is caused by the diabetes and this may be as good as it gets but i have no choice as a single father of two i have to keep going for them but i no we as a family are missing out on things that we could do. That is why i try to plan things for the week after my infusion, i am a man but sometimes i cry with the pain and think my kids are missing out on things other fathers can do but they love me for what i can do and over the years i have only missed a few important things that matter. I even went to a parents evening with c-diff and was in so much pain that my parents came to the school in an ambulance to take me to hospital to the amazement of my children and about another 300 people who watched me get carried in to the ambulance. When my children came to see me in hospital they were both in tears and told me i was never to do that again but i said i am your dad that's what i do, to which they told me that they like their dad to be well and not to go to parents evening when i am supposed to go to hospital. So do not give up and keep pushing the doctors and if you are bad in bed then get them to come and visit you.

So sorry you have chronic pain, I feel for you. I have chronic pain too.
Hope more can be done for you.
Take care


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Happy! The injections went ahead Yay! In a few days I shall dancing so look out for me on Strictly!

Glad you could have the injections, sorry you have chronic pain. I have chronic pain too from inflammatory arthritis and fibromyalgia so feel for you.
Take care


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Poor grammar, bullying and drunks.
Getting into a wash basket my you are pain free. :)So pleased to read that it's kicking in. What's a few days of higher than normal bgl's (I know it's a lot) but to be in less pain.

It is wonderful, thank you.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Poor grammar, bullying and drunks.
Glad you could have the injections, sorry you have chronic pain. I have chronic pain too from inflammatory arthritis and fibromyalgia so feel for you.
Take care

Thank you, you take care too.