Prediabetes type 2 detox


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
I've been eating poorly the last 2 weeks, I've been smoking a lot, going out to clubs and dining out a lot. I usually practice a lot of exercise, but the last 3 weeks I could only manage to exercise 3 days since I was on vacation. I just came home yesterday and started a detox today. Should I be concerned I've been reading that people that have diabetes or prediabetes should not do a veggie, fruit, tea and exercise detox even though I would only be doing it for 5 days. I'm afraid to ask my doctor and
nutritionist since I haven't been following my diet and taking my pills, still I think I need some detox days to get back in track with my normal healthy diet and exercise.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Hello and welcome

Why don't you just put yourself on a sensible low carb diet with exercise. Cut out the carbs and eat meat, fish, eggs, veggies, salads, and some additional fats, and carry on with your previous exercises. Oh .... and take your pills!

How come you are on Metformin yet not yet diabetic?
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Hello and welcome

Why don't you just put yourself on a sensible low carb diet with exercise. Cut out the carbs and eat meat, fish, eggs, veggies, salads, and some additional fats, and carry on with your previous exercises. Oh .... and take your pills!

How come you are on Metformin yet not yet diabetic?

In January 2012 I had my cholesterol & fasting blood sugar tested. The FBS came back with 5.8. My doctor's reaction was 'I can put you on pills'. I said 'No thanks' and had a fasting glucose test a few days later which came back 5.5 fasting & 5.5 after 2 hours.

Some doctors are just happy to prescribe pills and leave it at that - I find it very scary.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Blimey! Your levels were normal!

I have had to recent fasting tests.

The first was 5 after 16 hours of fasting.

The second was 5.6 after 13 hours fasting and this was part of the glucose tolerance test. The 2 hour came back as 7.

My doctor is unconcerned about this.

I am going out of my mind with anxiety and depression.

I know I am in a much better position than most of the posters on these boards because I am catching this early (I will be 52 soon) and am starting a low carb diet, exercise and weight loss program. But if I just listened to my doctor I would be just eating and laying around like I have been for the last 2 years.

I am so scared of developing diabeties.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
I think you should be as unconcerned as your doctor. I'm not a doctor but those levels look perfectly normal to me. However, don't listen to his dietary advice. A low carb diet, exercise and weight loss programme can only be good for your general health and hopefully prevent diabetes in the future, but no need to deprive yourself of the odd treat if you want it. Just eat low carb and be sensible. Good luck!
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Thanks Bluetit1802

My doctor is referring me to a dietician and has said that while he is not concerned with diabetes and it will be good for my general health, just as you have. Despite my anxiety and depression (which is being treated) I know how lucky I am to do something now.
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Hello and welcome

Why don't you just put yourself on a sensible low carb diet with exercise. Cut out the carbs and eat meat, fish, eggs, veggies, salads, and some additional fats, and carry on with your previous exercises. Oh .... and take your pills!

How come you are on Metformin yet not yet diabetic?

I really don't know the effect of Metformin, I just know that I want to know the cause of my disease; I'm not fat, I've never been fat my BMI is of 21 (normal) so I don't know why I have this disease and I feel helpless around my doctors I REALLY want to know shy this disease triggered and none of my doctors are able to tell me since nobody in my family has had this disease. I feel helpless around food and sugar I feel addicted to it I can't help myself around food. What type of diabetes do you have, and how do you manage to control your cravings?
  • Underweight = <18.5
  • Normal weight = 18.5–24.9
  • Overweight = 25–29.9
  • Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi Alex,

You say on your profile you have pre-diabetes, so at the moment you haven't got diabetes but may be heading that way. Do you know what your blood glucose tests were when your doctor told you that you are pre-diabetic? How long ago was that, and have you had any other tests?

I'm afraid that diabetes is random. It affects thin people as well as fat people, it's just that fatter people are more prone to it.

Metformin is the first line medication for diabetics, though not all of us are on any medication at all, me included. It helps with certain things, but only to a limited extent and is mainly an appetite suppressant to help people lose weight. I can't believe your doctor prescribed it for a pre-diabetic that is normal weight, but there you go. I'm not a doctor.

Personally I am a Type 2, diagnosed in January this year, no medication. I control it with diet and exercise, but not a lot of exercise! I followed the advice given by many people on this forum to eat a low carb diet, cut out all the obvious culprits like sweets, sugar and what not, eat 3 meals a day as evenly spaced as I can manage, and I learnt what foods my body can cope with by buying a home testing meter and testing my blood levels before eating then at 1 hour and 2 hours after eating. This way you can see just what that meal has done to your levels, then you learn from it. You either avoid the food that caused levels to rise in future, or reduce the portions until the portions are at a level that you can manage. You can eat as much meat, fish, eggs, green veggies, mushrooms, cheese, butter etc as you like. What you need to be careful of are potatoes, rice, pasta and bread, plus certain fruits. If you eat like that, the cravings will eventually go, providing you resist! For snacks have cheese or a few nuts. Drink loads of water.

Have a good browse round the forums and see if you can pick up any tips. Come back with any questions.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I really don't know the effect of Metformin, I just know that I want to know the cause of my disease; I'm not fat, I've never been fat my BMI is of 21 (normal) so I don't know why I have this disease and I feel helpless around my doctors I REALLY want to know shy this disease triggered and none of my doctors are able to tell me since nobody in my family has had this disease. I feel helpless around food and sugar I feel addicted to it I can't help myself around food. What type of diabetes do you have, and how do you manage to control your cravings?
  • Underweight = <18.5
  • Normal weight = 18.5–24.9
  • Overweight = 25–29.9
  • Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater
Read the links off of this page too
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