Question about to get the pump stuff in the UK


Hi, my husband (soldier) and i getting posted to the uk in summer. As i am diabetic for nearly 23 years and using the pump for a very long time now and i don't want to give up my pump i am wondering how i can get the stuff for my omnipod in the uk? I will have the omnipod before we going to UK only need to know how long does it take to get an appointment at the docs to get like the insulin, the pods on prescription? my german health insurance only paying for the stuff aslong i am still in germany.
Thank you for your help :D


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
hi cant really help with this only to say to get our pump and the consumables to go with it we had to be approved by the pct in our area and if they didnt approve u then u didnt get or u had to self fund dont know if it will be any different for u being as u have the pump already but for us to get any where it was a very slow process but it all depends on the area

anna marie


Well-Known Member
Hallo Wenn Sie nach Großbritannien umziehen, müssen Sie dich registrieren mit einem Einheimischen des Doktors (GP) zu, dem Sie leben werden. Der GP schreibt Sie Insulin, Blutglukose teststrips und jede mögliche andere Medikation vor, die Sie fordern können. Sie können den GP dann bitten, eine dringende Empfehlung zu tun, damit Sie einen Diabetesfachmann an einem Krankenhaus sehen, das ein Interesse an der Insulinpumpentherapie, während Sie bereits eine Insulinpumpe benutzen und Infusionsätze werden erhalten müssen, Patronen für sie hat. Der Diabetesfachmann stellt dann einen Antrag zu einem PCT (geduldige Sorgfalt-Vertrauen) sie erbitten, um die Verbrauchsmaterialien für Ihre Omnipod Pumpe zu finanzieren. Von der Zeit kommen Sie in Großbritannien zurzeit an, die Sie sehen, dass ein Diabetes specialsit alles bis zu ungefähr 2 Monaten nehmen kann, also so viel der Verbrauchsmaterialien für das Omnipod in Deutschland erreicht, wie Sie können. Die beste Organisation zum in Verbindung zu treten wird (Google GAB MICH Diabetes) ein und eMail John Davies EINGEGEBEN. Er ist in der Lage, Ihnen alle Informationen zu geben, die Sie betreffend das Holen Ihrer Pumpe in Großbritannien und das Erhalten der Verbrauchsmaterialien für sie kennen müssen. Viel Glueck

Babelfish translator 8) :)

sugarless sue

Rude people! Not being able to do the things I want to do.
For the benefit of those of us in the UK can you put an English translation on this please IHS ? :roll:


Well-Known Member

When you move to the UK you will need to register yourself with a doctor (GP) local to where you are going to live. The GP will prescribe you insulin, blood glucose teststrips and any other medication that you may require. You can then ask the GP to do an urgent referal for you to see a diabetes specialist at a hospital who has an interest in insulin pump therapy as you are already using an insulin pump and will need to obtain infusion sets, cartridges for it. The diabetes specialist will then make an application to a PCT (Patient Care Trust) requesting them to fund the consumables for your Omnipod pump.

From the time you arrive in the UK to the time you see a diabetes specialsit can take anything up to about 2 months so do get hold of as much of the consumables for the Omnipod in Germany as you can.

The best organisation to contact is INPUT (google INPUT ME diabetes) and email John Davies. He will be able to give you all the information you need to know regarding bringing your pump to the UK and getting consumables for it.

Good Luck


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
twingo said:
Thank you very much for the information!!! :D
Please can you come back to us with how you get on. I have a pump and live in France but am spending more and more of my time in the UK looking after parents. Eventually I may have to make the move officially ( ie spending more than 6 months in the UK) and am very worried abouut the consequences.


Hi All, I can't remember who posted but there was a user on here from either US or Canada who said she eventually managed to get the correct consumables (insulin, cartridges, test strips, sets etc) for her pump here in the UK.

If you are OK to get NHS healthcare (not sure how this bit works:- I'm a british citizen so it's pretty straightforward for me!) then I think you have a good chance of the PCT approving the supply of your consumables as you already have a pump and they would have to shell out for insulin pens & consumables anyway.