Quick Eye Screening Results?


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Hi there,
I've just been for my 3 monthly eye screening check (as last time they said I had signs of maculopathy). I've been so anxious about the whole thing since my last scan, and I've really improved my diabetes control, but I do realise this can have the reverse affect at first.
I had my screening today and got a text to say the results are already in, but I can't log in online to check.

I'm worried that they've come back so quickly because something is wrong..? Or am I overthinking it?
Can anyone let me know if they've had their online results back the same day before?

Thanks in advance, have a nice evening.

Nicola M

Staff Member
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Up until August 2024 I had Maculopathy. I had it from June 2022 - August 2024, during that time I went from bad control to good which caused mine and even though I had good control after diagnosis it still took 2 years to fully go away. I went regularly for 3 monthly appointments. I never had my results the same day but then the NHS aren’t always brilliant at sending out the letters with results (I couldn’t get mine online).

Personally unless they’re actively trying to get into contact with you (phone calls, texts etc) then I wouldn’t worry too much. They probably just had the time there and then to look at the results and upload them straight away.
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I found this thread from searching 'Maculopathy' in the search bar.

@Nicola M , are you saying you managed to reverse your diagnosis? I've had maculopathy in my last two eye screening letters and I am very worried. I've seen floaters for the last two or three years so I've had a bad feeling about my eyes for a long time.

These floaters do come and go, though. Sometimes I'll go through weeks without noticing anything.

When you say you have good control, how good? I've been on 80-85% in range for about two years now. Sometimes I've got my seven-day average up to 90%. However, I was diagnosed in 2003 and a lot of my control was not good enough in the past.

Nicola M

Staff Member
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Type 1
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Basically yes @RobertJ. In December 2021 i was approved for the hybrid closed loop trial on the NHS, I had a HbA1c at the time of 78 :eek: Which is why I got approved, I’d had pretty poor control over the years before that but always managed to scrape by in my eye screenings.

Within 3 months my HbA1c went down to about 45. My next eye screening was in June 2022 where they sent me a letter to say they’d seen “major” changes and referred me to the hospital, they told me there it was maculopathy, I had no prior symptoms but the photos showed clearly some spots close to the centre of my eye.

I went roughly every 3-4 months to the hospital, sometimes they’d do more detailed scans, sometimes basic scans. My control during this time was always around 70% in range and they decided I didn’t need any additional treatment other than regular scans. My last appointment in August 2024 they said all the “spots” had gone and my eyes had essentially healed themselves and I was discharged back to yearly.

I do think I was very lucky, I have no doubt my eye issues were caused by my sudden decrease in my HbA1c but usually it is a temporary affect. Keeping good control is extremely important if you have any eye issues and can prevent it getting worse.

Edited to add info.