Recent events, posting and Moderation activity

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As a result of recent bickering and ill-feeling on some parts of the forum it is necessary that the Mod Team tighten their moderation style, particularly relating to creating content to encourage an "Us and Them" environment. "Us and Them" thinking is a polar opposite of our Forum's Ethos.

This is not a position we wanted to arrive at, but we are here.

This applies to ALL members. ALL members. Members posting provocative posts will also not be tolerated.

I would ask members to think very carefully before posting, to ensure they are on-topic, polite and relevant.

This is not meant to discourage members posting, but to discourage wrong-doing and mischief making. There has been plenty of that recently.

This is from the current date and time. Reports on historic posts will be dealt with in our more usual manner.

Fair warning. Posts will be deleted. Warnings will be awarded, and where necessary thread or whole forum bans issued.

Don't say warning hasn't been served.

We regret taking this action and are very sorry that it has become necessary, but it is the direct result of a small minority choosing to make the forum a hostile place for the rest of the membership, and we want this forum to be a supportive, helpful, informative place. Those who won’t play nicely, are not welcome here.

Thank you


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Bumping this post for maximum visibility.


...particularly relating to creating content to encourage an "Us and Them" environment.

Just seeking some extra clarity on this. Nearly everything that is ever discussed on these boards has the potential to upset or offend someone. I’m sure it’s not your intention, but it seems to me that this particular part of the new ruling will discourage free and open discussion. To expand on my concern, would this mean, for example, that my controversial topic “eat to the meter or play the long game?” would be in breach of protocol and carry posting privilege penalties henceforth, or does it just depend on how many people complain?
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Just seeking some extra clarity on this. Nearly everything that is ever discussed on these boards has the potential to upset or offend someone. I’m sure it’s not your intention, but it seems to me that this particular part of the new ruling will discourage free and open discussion. To expand on my concern, would this mean, for example, that my controversial topic “eat to the meter or play the long game?” would be in breach of protocol and carry posting privilege penalties henceforth, or does it just depend on how many people complain?
Unusually, I find myself agreeing with @Jim Lahey
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Hi both,

I think a better question would be to ask yourselves if the purpose of your post is to support, help and inform, or be divisive, score points and prove yourself better/superior/more knowledgeable?

The attitude of a poster usually comes through, in both the post itself, and the number of Reports the mod team get as a result.

Another good question would be to ask how many times have I had posts edited or deleted recently? How many times have mods stepped into threads soon after I posted, needing to calm down bickering and resentment?

If either of those things are happening, then you can assess your own impact and get to decide your own future on the forum.


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@Jim Lahey - Like all things, context is key, hence my advice that all members think about what they are posting, where and the impact of it.

Of late, there have been too many grenades lobbed, then stand back and watch the mayhem.
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Hi both,

I think a better question would be to ask yourselves if the purpose of your post is to support, help and inform, or be divisive, score points and prove yourself better/superior/more knowledgeable?

The attitude of a poster usually comes through, in both the post itself, and the number of Reports the mod team get as a result.

Another good question would be to ask how many times have I had posts edited or deleted recently? How many times have mods stepped into threads soon after I posted, needing to calm down bickering and resentment?

If either of those things are happening, then you can assess your own impact and get to decide your own future on the forum.

Thanks for the clarification, but I’m left wondering where that leaves those who are subjected to complaints that, in and of themselves, are unnecessarily and perhaps even intentionally divisive. I guess the only way to avoid castigation is to not contribute anything at all that may be viewed by some as offensive.


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This is a “Have Your Say” thread. So I take it I can do just that.

I am a lower carb higher fat meat and vedge eating member and am perfectly comfortable with those that have a different approach. For a number of months I had an alternative view unacceptably pushed in my face and tried to express my dissatisfaction but without success. To be fair, the offending persons have mainly stopped now, where I am concerned, but it still goes on where other members are concerned.
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I have been very hurt by recent attacks on me and my lifestyle, faith and upbringing. I don't feel those responsible even think they have done anything hurtful. It will be a while before I have the confidence to enter a discussion here again.


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Thanks for the clarification, but I’m left wondering where that leaves those who are subjected to complaints that, in and of themselves, are unnecessarily and perhaps even intentionally divisive. I guess the only way to avoid castigation is to not contribute anything at all that may be viewed by some as offensive.

As the post states, provocative posts will be dealt with similarly to directly inflammatory posts.

Reports will be dealt with individually, as always. If no wrongdoing is found, there can be no intervention.

@Listlad and @zand - This post was made in this area, to attract as many readers as possible. This is not a thread to begin bickering about bickering.


While we’re all getting everything off our chests, where does the forum stand on the topic of judgemental and derisory signatures that appear under every post that a user contributes? ;)
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I have been very hurt by recent attacks on me and my lifestyle, faith and upbringing. I don't feel those responsible even think they have done anything hurtful. It will be a while before I have the confidence to enter a discussion here again.
That makes me sad @zand - you are always very helpful and kind in your posts, no one should be feeling like that here, though I do know what you are meaning x
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While we’re all getting everything off our chests, where does the forum stand on the topic of judgemental and derisory signatures that appear under every post that a user contributes? ;)

The Forum Rules state if there is offensive or rule breaching posts they should be reported. That covers the whole site. That has not changed - ever.
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How can there be a "them and us" attitude when for better or worse we are all in the same diabetic boat together.

Only one thing matters and that is for us to stay healthy by controlling our condition

How we do so is not what is important

Personally I find the fact that people are able to do so by adopting different approaches and diet alternatives a great relief . It means more options available should one fail.


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As I stated earlier, this is not a thread to start a different arguement.

The rules are not changing, the touch is just less light than we have tried to practise in the past, because of late, that light touch approach has not worked too well.

As stated in my OP, this is not a position we wanted to reach, but this is down to the membership, not Mod desire.

This thread is going to be locked now, as it's becoming a whingefest.


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Bump - please read, or reread the original post. It feels uncomfortable to be back in this situation, but we are.
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