Rybelsus Tablets


Type of diabetes
Type 2
I was wondering if anyone has been out on these tablets?
This is the 3 tablet i am to try, metformin did not agree, nor did one that took sugar away from kidneys.
This one has the side effect of Nausea and vomiting - I have an actual phobia of being sick, and am terrified that it’s going to make me sick.
So was wondering if anyone has been on these and if so if they do actually make you be sick?
If the gp had mentioned being sick, I would have outrightly said no, he just said they will make me feel sick for about 3 weeks -
Why do all these tablets either make you have terrible stomachs or be sick etc


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I have been on Rybelsus since January. I had 30 days on 3mg then raised to 7mg which I have been on since. I have had no side effects whatsoever. I had taken Metformin for six years, then this time last year I switched to Victoza an injectable from the same group of meds as Rybelsus. In the later half of 2023 there was a global shortage of Victoza so I went back on Metformin which this time around upset my stomach. I then heard about Rybelsus and switched to that.
I suppose there is no telling who will get side effects and who won’t. It’s something you and your GP will need to decide. Let us know how you get on.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I was wondering if anyone has been out on these tablets?
This is the 3 tablet i am to try, metformin did not agree, nor did one that took sugar away from kidneys.
This one has the side effect of Nausea and vomiting - I have an actual phobia of being sick, and am terrified that it’s going to make me sick.
So was wondering if anyone has been on these and if so if they do actually make you be sick?
If the gp had mentioned being sick, I would have outrightly said no, he just said they will make me feel sick for about 3 weeks -
Why do all these tablets either make you have terrible stomachs or be sick etc
I started off taking Rebelsus low dosage and they upset my stomach. Then went to depagliflozin and while it was ok for my stomach did nothing for my blood sugars. Im going to have another try with rebelsus to see how it goes. Rebelsus can definitely make you feel nauseous.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
I think most pharma products are pretty toxic to be honest hence the upset stomachs etc. I am on rebelsus and they really are not doing what was expected. My sugars are still very high after 3 months and they aren't yet helping me lose weight because if anything I get more hungry. They are supposed to slow your digestive tract down so you feel fuller longer. I have 4 chronic diseases so I am on a lot of meds though. So far just nausea not vomit xx


Active Member
Type of diabetes
I was wondering if anyone has been out on these tablets?
This is the 3 tablet i am to try, metformin did not agree, nor did one that took sugar away from kidneys.
This one has the side effect of Nausea and vomiting - I have an actual phobia of being sick, and am terrified that it’s going to make me sick.
So was wondering if anyone has been on these and if so if they do actually make you be sick?
If the gp had mentioned being sick, I would have outrightly said no, he just said they will make me feel sick for about 3 weeks -
Why do all these tablets either make you have terrible stomachs or be sick etc
I've been on Rybelsus for 2 months. The first month was 3 mg and 2nd month 7mg. I'm seeing the dn this afternoon to discuss. Side effects haven't been too bad. Very mild nausea occasionally. The main side effect for me has been constipation. The other problem is that although my appetite has definitely decreased I am finding I'm eating more junk food as easier to eat when no appetite. So I am eating more biscuits, sweets and carbs which isn't a good thing
It seems now I am drawn to these types of food more due to lack of appetite as I can eat them easily. Its difficult to find a way of healthy eating for me that I can sustain.