Scottish primary school law


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I was at my daughter school sports day.
We changed my daughter lunch time insulin so her blood levels where higher. But the school decided not to give my daughter a insulin correction at lunch time with out phoning me to ask if this was OK.
Can a primary school do this


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Where can I find my rights about scottish school primary law.
1. I am not allowed to call my daughter and inform my daughter to take hypo treatment.
2. My daughter not allowed to carry hypo treatment.
3. The primary school staff will not allow me to give hypo treatment.
4. Primary school staff can change insulin does with out calling parents.
5. My daughter must walk to school office for hypo treatment.
6. Primary school staff will not take any responsibility about giving my daughter her insulin bag back before my daughter when she finished school.
My daughter is 7 years old
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Well-Known Member
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Where can I find my rights about scottish school primary law.
1. I am not allowed to call my daughter and inform my daughter to take hypo treatment.
2. My daughter not allowed to carry hypo treatment.
3. The primary school staff will not allow me to give hypo treatment.
4. Primary school staff can change insulin does with out calling parents.
5. My daughter must walk to school office for hypo treatment.
6. Primary school staff will not take any responsibility about giving my daughter her insulin bag back before my daughter when she finished school.
My daughter is 7 years old
I am sorry to read about your dilemma with the school's poor treatment of your daughter. Until someone more knowledgeable comes along, may I ask if you have contacted your daughter's diabetes team? They would have some clout.


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Diet only
Where can I find my rights about scottish school primary law.
1. I am not allowed to call my daughter and inform my daughter to take hypo treatment.
2. My daughter not allowed to carry hypo treatment.
3. The primary school staff will not allow me to give hypo treatment.
4. Primary school staff can change insulin does with out calling parents.
5. My daughter must walk to school office for hypo treatment.
6. Primary school staff will not take any responsibility about giving my daughter her insulin bag back before my daughter when she finished school.
My daughter is 7 years old
Hi @Tommyboy2020 I'm so sorry the relationship between you and the school seems to have broken down. There are only a couple of weeks of term left. Can you make an appointment to go in and speak to someone and express your concerns? Maybe a fresh start for August? I'm assuming you are able to monitor your daughter's bg numbers from home. If they don't want you to call her directly (schools are funny about children and phones) could you call the office and tell them you can see she needs treatment? 7 is still quite young and while I'm sure your daughter is sensible and could manage her hypo there will be other children around her and school is safeguarding everyone by saying she has to collect treatment from the office . Maybe asking her class teacher to store the treatment would be an option? Have school received training on changing the dose? If this is something that has been approved by her diabetes team and the local authority then you could ask them to give you a courtesy call. Does someone(an adult) collect her at the end of the day. If so could they go in and collect the bag?
Its so hard when they are little. I had boys who needed support at school. It took me a long time to realise I'd rather make bridges than battles. I'm not saying school is in the right but she has another 7 or 8 years of school ahead and asking for a meeting and explaining how concerned you are might be the place to start.
Good Luck


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Hi @Tommyboy2020 I'm so sorry the relationship between you and the school seems to have broken down. There are only a couple of weeks of term left. Can you make an appointment to go in and speak to someone and express your concerns? Maybe a fresh start for August? I'm assuming you are able to monitor your daughter's bg numbers from home. If they don't want you to call her directly (schools are funny about children and phones) could you call the office and tell them you can see she needs treatment? 7 is still quite young and while I'm sure your daughter is sensible and could manage her hypo there will be other children around her and school is safeguarding everyone by saying she has to collect treatment from the office . Maybe asking her class teacher to store the treatment would be an option? Have school received training on changing the dose? If this is something that has been approved by her diabetes team and the local authority then you could ask them to give you a courtesy call. Does someone(an adult) collect her at the end of the day. If so could they go in and collect the bag?
Its so hard when they are little. I had boys who needed support at school. It took me a long time to realise I'd rather make bridges than battles. I'm not saying school is in the right but she has another 7 or 8 years of school ahead and asking for a meeting and explaining how concerned you are might be the place to start.
Good Luck


Well-Known Member
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Type 1
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I find diabeties hard to control
Managing Type 1 diabetes is hard, especially when you are helping your child. Please ask your daughter's diabetes team for support and training whenever you and your spouse need it.
l and don't think the school has the rigth to change insulin levels with out contacting the parents of the child..
Was is a trained school nurse who treated your daughter? Or another person trained about Type1?
I hope that you will follow advice given by @Margarettt above.


Type of diabetes
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Managing Type 1 diabetes is hard, especially when you are helping your child. Please ask your daughter's diabetes team for support and training whenever you and your spouse need it.

Was is a trained school nurse who treated your daughter? Or another person trained about Type1?
I hope that you will follow advice given by @Margarettt above.
Is was a trained member of the school staff


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There are some serious issues going on here regards the treatment of a 7 year old in school. Supposedly a place of safety. I a Type 1 worked in a primary that had more than one child with type 1 over the years I was there. The hospital team came in and trained the staff. There were no issues on readily available snacks/hypo treatments and all management was done by one or two people. To be honest I’m pretty flabbergasted by their approach. Contact your team prompto this is a safeguarding issue.

The only point you raise I disagree with is phoning your daughter. Not acceptable in a school classroom environment. But this would not be a problem if the school was handling this as they should.
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To be fair. I have only called 1st before. As the school told me to wait 10min to see if the blood level rise. But the blood levels dropped to 2.7 double arrow pointing downward. And this was at break time.
They them took my daughter hypo treatment off of her.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
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To be fair. I have only called 1st before. As the school told me to wait 10min to see if the blood level rise. But the blood levels dropped to 2.7 double arrow pointing downward. And this was at break time.
They them took my daughter hypo treatment off of her.
But did the person stay with her, to see which way the readings went? When a Type1 diabetic has hypo treatment it is not instant. Often it may take longer than ten minutes for readings to become stable. The thing about treating a hypo is that you have to give the sweets/drinks/gel time to work. If you have too much treatment, then blood glucose readings will clime too high.