SGLT2 Meds


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Non-insulin injectable medication (incretin mimetics)
I have tried Jardiance 10 mg last year. Only for 3 days, unfortunately each day get severe reactions - after 3 hours taking Jardiance tablet - shortness of breath and throat feels like closing.

I have stopped taking Jardiance. But I have no idea what I am allergic to in Jardiance.

Just a thought... are other SGLT2 inhibitors meds are similar made as Jardiance? or do I have to avoid rest of SGLT2 meds esp of severe reactions.

Basically need another med to bring down post prandial (I'm on low carb, and dietician has checked my food dairy with carbs written in and glucose before and after meals - Dietician at Diabetes clinic is very happy with my meals as it is 30g to 40g carb per meal - had diabetes dietican appointment this week) but my glucose still spike up high. (Above 10 mmol +).

Also I had covid before Christmas and then chest infection and rebound covid. So I had high glucose from taking prednisone - 20.1 mmols + and ketone of 0.6. Nearly early DKA, but I keep drinking water to flush out ketones.

At the moment I'm only taking Ozempic. So going to see GP in two weeks to work out another diabetes med. Esp I haven't had an chance to sort out diabetes med when I was sick for 5 weeks +.

Also will see Endocrinologist in May. (The endocrinologist doesn't want me to start on insulin yet.)


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Dietician at Diabetes clinic is very happy with my meals as it is 30g to 40g carb per meal
But is your dietician happy with your blood sugar levels?
We are all different, some people can get away with eating quite a few carbs, others can't. If I were to have as many carbs as you are throughout the day. I know my diabetes would be getting worse and I would need ever increasing amounts of drugs to control it, just like my Dr and diabetic nurse expect it to.
I've managed to prove them wrong and keep my hba1c below 40, without any medication by totally ignoring their advice on carbs in my diet. I have less carbs all day than you have in one meal, carbs = sugar in your blood.


Retired Moderator
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I reversed my Type 2
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Diet only
I have tried Jardiance 10 mg last year. Only for 3 days, unfortunately each day get severe reactions - after 3 hours taking Jardiance tablet - shortness of breath and throat feels like closing.

I have stopped taking Jardiance. But I have no idea what I am allergic to in Jardiance.

Just a thought... are other SGLT2 inhibitors meds are similar made as Jardiance? or do I have to avoid rest of SGLT2 meds esp of severe reactions.

Basically need another med to bring down post prandial (I'm on low carb, and dietician has checked my food dairy with carbs written in and glucose before and after meals - Dietician at Diabetes clinic is very happy with my meals as it is 30g to 40g carb per meal - had diabetes dietican appointment this week) but my glucose still spike up high. (Above 10 mmol +).

Also I had covid before Christmas and then chest infection and rebound covid. So I had high glucose from taking prednisone - 20.1 mmols + and ketone of 0.6. Nearly early DKA, but I keep drinking water to flush out ketones.

At the moment I'm only taking Ozempic. So going to see GP in two weeks to work out another diabetes med. Esp I haven't had an chance to sort out diabetes med when I was sick for 5 weeks +.

Also will see Endocrinologist in May. (The endocrinologist doesn't want me to start on insulin yet.)
It is totally impossible for anyone to say if other meds in the same class as Jardiance will impact you, without knowing what it is that causes you to react.

Tablets don’t just contain the active ingredient, they usually contain bulking agents, agents to help the tablet stay a tablet (not disintegrate), and so on.

For example, I take thyroid medication, but there are a couple of companies whose tablets I can’t take. They make me queasy. Other brands are fine, so my prescription now states the two brands that must NOT be dispensed to me.

Every drug licensed in the UK has a product license number, which looks like this:
PL 00289/1971. That is the brand of thyroid meds I can’t take.

you’ll have to speak with your doctor, but he might perhaps suggest trying another brand of the meds, with caution.
Product license numbers are printed, usually on the packaging, and that would be a double check that your “recipe” was different in a different brand. Some brands share Product Licenses. As an example, Nurofen and generic Ibuprofens often carry the same PL.

but, in short, you must speak to your doctor. There are over 400 combinations of drugs available to treat T2 diabetes, so I’d guess insulin could be a way off yet.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Non-insulin injectable medication (incretin mimetics)
But is your dietician happy with your blood sugar levels?
We are all different, some people can get away with eating quite a few carbs, others can't. If I were to have as many carbs as you are throughout the day. I know my diabetes would be getting worse and I would need ever increasing amounts of drugs to control it, just like my Dr and diabetic nurse expect it to.
I've managed to prove them wrong and keep my hba1c below 40, without any medication by totally ignoring their advice on carbs in my diet. I have less carbs all day than you have in one meal, carbs = sugar in your blood.

Dietician said it is bit high for post prandial and very high when I was sick.

Yes I agree everyone is very different with a few carbs or a lot of carbs.

When I was sick I was eating only 15 to 20 gram per meal (breakfast, lunch and dinner - no snacks) for low carb esp I had no appetite in foods. Mainly eating bit of protein, 4 small pieces celery, 3 pieces of strawberries etc.

I think my next hba1c will be up esp I had couple of prednisone courses before christmas and after christmas twice. (But surprisingly I haven't gained weight from prednisone as I was still losing weight.)

My last hba1c was 6.8% as ozempic brings down the hba1c when it was over 7.1%.


Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Non-insulin injectable medication (incretin mimetics)
It is totally impossible for anyone to say if other meds in the same class as Jardiance will impact you, without knowing what it is that causes you to react.

Tablets don’t just contain the active ingredient, they usually contain bulking agents, agents to help the tablet stay a tablet (not disintegrate), and so on.

For example, I take thyroid medication, but there are a couple of companies whose tablets I can’t take. They make me queasy. Other brands are fine, so my prescription now states the two brands that must NOT be dispensed to me.

Every drug licensed in the UK has a product license number, which looks like this:
PL 00289/1971. That is the brand of thyroid meds I can’t take.

you’ll have to speak with your doctor, but he might perhaps suggest trying another brand of the meds, with caution.
Product license numbers are printed, usually on the packaging, and that would be a double check that your “recipe” was different in a different brand. Some brands share Product Licenses. As an example, Nurofen and generic Ibuprofens often carry the same PL.

but, in short, you must speak to your doctor. There are over 400 combinations of drugs available to treat T2 diabetes, so I’d guess insulin could be a way off yet.
Thank you, yes, it is gonna be trickly esp I cannot tolerate metformin/XR and Trajenta doesn't work.

I know with specific brand asthma inhaler I can take but cannot take generic cheaper brand inhalers as I get reactions from it. As I have to ask pharmacists for specific asthma inhaler band when I get it off the counter as reliever inhaler as can get it without prescription.

Gosh for 400 combinations of drugs for T2D. This is going to be a lot of digging for my doctor and endocrinologist to find the right med that doesn't cause serious reactions.


Retired Moderator
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Thank you, yes, it is gonna be trickly esp I cannot tolerate metformin/XR and Trajenta doesn't work.

I know with specific brand asthma inhaler I can take but cannot take generic cheaper brand inhalers as I get reactions from it. As I have to ask pharmacists for specific asthma inhaler band when I get it off the counter as reliever inhaler as can get it without prescription.

Gosh for 400 combinations of drugs for T2D. This is going to be a lot of digging for my doctor and endocrinologist to find the right med that doesn't cause serious reactions.
That’s 400 combinations, not 400 individual medications, but even so, there’s a bit to go at.


Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Non-insulin injectable medication (incretin mimetics)
Alright, GP decided not to put me on any Type 2 oral medications due to allergy.

At the moment GP recommend to stay on Ozempic for now. Until I'm no longer on Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) for Ozempic ie switch to "Private" prescription for Ozempic. This is when I will stop taking Ozempic as I won't be able to afford monthly med.

So next plan is going on insulin once stopping on Ozempic.


Staff Member
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Alright, GP decided not to put me on any Type 2 oral medications due to allergy.

At the moment GP recommend to stay on Ozempic for now. Until I'm no longer on Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) for Ozempic ie switch to "Private" prescription for Ozempic. This is when I will stop taking Ozempic as I won't be able to afford monthly med.

So next plan is going on insulin once stopping on Ozempic.
There’s still a lot of room to reduce carbs further if you want to avoid medications as you are still eating a lot more than many of us in here do to control our levels without drugs (many are below 50g a day) and for the same people eating the amount you do would yield similar results as you get. Is there a reason why you don’t want to try that?
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There’s still a lot of room to reduce carbs further if you want to avoid medications as you are still eating a lot more than many of us in here do to control our levels without drugs (many are below 50g a day) and for the same people eating the amount you do would yield similar results as you get. Is there a reason why you don’t want to try that?

There is some foods I cannot eat - ie wholemeals, wholegrains, grains, wheats and seeds - bloated painful stomach and some foods are cross-pollination reactions - ie get itchy inside the mouth and can feel it slightly swell and tingling, and plus hayfever reactions of sneezing, running noses, watery eyes etc.

Only thing I know I'm allergic to Rye grass and can't remember other ones as it been years I had a skin allergy test to see what my immune system reacts to.

The dieticians I been to in past and present mainly focus on the foods are the foods I cannot eat so I had to avoid those foods to work out myself what I can eat.


Staff Member
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There is some foods I cannot eat - ie wholemeals, wholegrains, grains, wheats and seeds - bloated painful stomach and some foods are cross-pollination reactions - ie get itchy inside the mouth and can feel it slightly swell and tingling, and plus hayfever reactions of sneezing, running noses, watery eyes etc.

Only thing I know I'm allergic to Rye grass and can't remember other ones as it been years I had a skin allergy test to see what my immune system reacts to.

The dieticians I been to in past and present mainly focus on the foods are the foods I cannot eat so I had to avoid those foods to work out myself what I can eat.
Low carb doesn’t, or shouldn’t, involve any whole meal, whole grain or any grains at all as they are all high carb items so that’s not a deterrent. Easily avoided. In fact grains are the biggest thing type 2 doing low carb tend to avoid. we focus on meat, fish, dairy, eggs, non starchy veg and salads, seasonings skipping breads, rice, anything made from grain based flour, rice and starchy veg like potatoes and parsnip

Have a read here and see how it would fit with your intolerances
Intro to T2 and low carb.
All the things I wish I’d been told earlier’d-been-told-at-type-2-diagnosis.173817/
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Thank you so much for the links.. I just read the first blog link and I can see I'm on the right track for the food.

My cholesterol levels is down to normal levels and I won't take statins esp I'm over 40 years old.

I wonder if I need to take coeliac test as I did a online self assessment on Australia Coeliac website and it says I'm increased risk for coeliac disease.

Guess this is next step to ask GP next time visit to arrange a blood test to work out.

Will have a good read on 2nd link in a bit.


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Thank you so much for the links.. I just read the first blog link and I can see I'm on the right track for the food.

My cholesterol levels is down to normal levels and I won't take statins esp I'm over 40 years old.

I wonder if I need to take coeliac test as I did a online self assessment on Australia Coeliac website and it says I'm increased risk for coeliac disease.

Guess this is next step to ask GP next time visit to arrange a blood test to work out.

Will have a good read on 2nd link in a bit.
Coeliac I think needs you to be eating grains for a number of weeks for the test to be effective. If the end result is avoiding them anyway due to intolerances and carbs will a test make a difference to your choices? Maybe it will and it’s worth a discussion at least. Maybe not.


Well-Known Member
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Non-insulin injectable medication (incretin mimetics)
I will print out the online self assessment letter and show it to doctor in 4 weeks.

Then if GP decides to do coeliac blood test then I will look into eating grains for 4 weeks. So I'm gonna suffer to go thru this. Gonna have to pick once a day grain meal and other 2 meals will be low carbs. I know 1 slice of grains bread a day will be faster to suffer.

Don't really want to eat grains now and GP says no for coeliac blood test. It would be waste of time to suffer for nothing.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I have tried Jardiance 10 mg last year. Only for 3 days, unfortunately each day get severe reactions - after 3 hours taking Jardiance tablet - shortness of breath and throat feels like closing.

I have stopped taking Jardiance. But I have no idea what I am allergic to in Jardiance.

Just a thought... are other SGLT2 inhibitors meds are similar made as Jardiance? or do I have to avoid rest of SGLT2 meds esp of severe reactions.

Basically need another med to bring down post prandial (I'm on low carb, and dietician has checked my food dairy with carbs written in and glucose before and after meals - Dietician at Diabetes clinic is very happy with my meals as it is 30g to 40g carb per meal - had diabetes dietican appointment this week) but my glucose still spike up high. (Above 10 mmol +).

Also I had covid before Christmas and then chest infection and rebound covid. So I had high glucose from taking prednisone - 20.1 mmols + and ketone of 0.6. Nearly early DKA, but I keep drinking water to flush out ketones.

At the moment I'm only taking Ozempic. So going to see GP in two weeks to work out another diabetes med. Esp I haven't had an chance to sort out diabetes med when I was sick for 5 weeks +.

Also will see Endocrinologist in May. (The endocrinologist doesn't want me to start on insulin yet.)
I was prescribed Jardiance by my GP. The side effects were very bad. I had to stop taking it. The put in Linogliptin which has few side affects, one being discomfort in my legs at night. Also, my sugar levels still too high despite this drug! I do not know what to do.....


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Non-insulin injectable medication (incretin mimetics)
I was prescribed Jardiance by my GP. The side effects were very bad. I had to stop taking it. The put in Linogliptin which has few side affects, one being discomfort in my legs at night. Also, my sugar levels still too high despite this drug! I do not know what to do.....

You will need to go back to your GP to change the med if you are having bad side effects from Linagliptin - let your GP know you are having side effects and it not working to bring down your levels.

I have tried Linagliptin (Tranjenta). I had skin peels and Trajenta doesn't works to bring down my high glucose levels.

At the moment only med I'm taking is Ozempic to treat my Type 2 glucose - it did took ages to bring down glucose to managable level - for my recently Hba1c is 6.5%

Minus few big spikes from eating low carb foods - ie: If I ate omelette with spinach, ham, cheese for breakfast or lunch.. it does sometimes spike my glucose into double digits numbers for 13+ mmols. (Before meal would be 6.8 mmol).


Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Non-insulin injectable medication (incretin mimetics)
The Coeliac Blood test is negative - need to do the HLA-DQ2/8 genotyping Coeliac test next.

But I have found out I do have a high positive Type 1 Diabetes genes in my DNA on different test (wasn't arranged by my doctor. But have informed my doctor that test as it is something to keep an eyes on.)

Will do private GAD antibodies test later to check if things has changed over the time. Esp after covid (still long covid after 5 months.)