Skin discolouration


Hi there, just wondering if anyone could help.

'I'm 22 year old type 1 diabetic and have noticed a very very light/tan discolouraton in my groin area going onto an inch or so of my thigh, but nowhere else- not underarms/elbows etc, i done some research online and found the possbility of acanthosis nigricans, even though my skin is nowhere near as dark as the pics online, i called my diabetic nurse for some advice who mentioned this was only usually seen in type 2's and overweght people- which i'm neither- or people wth an insulin resistance and about the latter- she advsed i seen my gp. I made an apt and seen my gp yesterday and she said she thought it was just a fungal infection and not AN as it would be there all the time/in other areas and would be much darker but i'm not convinced it is fungal? I have no itching or discomfort. She has prescribed some cream which i'm currently using but has anyone experienced anythng like this? if i had insulin resistance wouldn't they have picked up on this at my last apt in november? I remember a while ago noticing my skin was abt darker there but then it went away. Is the skin there usually alittle bit darker to the rest of the body?

Thans for any input!


People who are touchy.......feign indignation at the slightest thing. Hypocrites, bullies and cowards.
I was hoping that some of the Female Member's might have answered........ :)

As you have already had a diagnosis we can offer suggestions from our own knowledge and experience. From the sound of your description it does sound very much like a Fungal Yeast infection.......I think you need to give the cream time to do it's job before going down the avenue of other more serious ailments.

This is from the link below........

Pityriasis versicolor
This yeast infection causes dark patches to form on pale or untanned skin and light patches on tanned or darker skin. Another name for this condition is Tinea versicolor (versicolor means 'of various colours'). Teenagers and young adults are most often affected in the UK. ... infections

Having Diabetes can be a link as well.


Thanks for the reply! The doctor said she thought it was something like that. The cream seems to have lightened it abit already so hopefully it will dissapear after a few more days :oops: embarassing.