Stomach bug


Well-Known Member
Erland has had a nasty stomach bug since Monday - vomiting and diarrhea. We've had anti-sickness injections three times over the last few days.

I think he's a bit better but he doesn't want to eat although he is drinking enough to keep him going. ketone levels are ok again having been high.

But last night we were to check him every 2 hours (again!) and when I tested him at 2am he was 2.3. I had a real problem getting him awake enough to drink any apple juice and he refused point blank to eat anything. The result was he was low all night and we had to keep waking him up and he kept refusing. We even had the glucogel out at one point (vile stuff - he wouldn't touch it) but couldn't get any in him.

Any advice on what to give him to drink/eat or do when he's refusing. He's only 2 so its hard to explain that he needs to keep drinking. All 4 of us have had this bug and to top it all my father-in-law passed away so we've had one hell of a week. We're all so tired - sorry now I'm moaning.


sugarless sue

Rude people! Not being able to do the things I want to do.
What's his favourite drink ? Another member here mentioned she will only drink milk with sugar in it because that is what she likes.

Have you tried Lucozade ?


Well-Known Member
We use grape juice as it is much higher in carb than other juices so they only need a very small amount. You could also try giving juice through a straw so they can lie down and just suck it up, which is also better for teeth. Could also try other sweets like jelly babies, although I don't really like my kids eating a night as if they are too sleepy they may not swallow all of and leave some in their mouth.


Well-Known Member
Not having enough time. Broken sleep.
I put glucose powder (easy to buy from supermarket usually) in anything I need to for hypo treatment. Khaleb still has a bottle so I can dissolve 5-15gm carb in a very small amount of fluid (water or milk). This makes it easier than trying to get him to drink a large amount when they really don't want to. When Khaleb was last ill I resorted to using a syringe to force him to drink. Sounds awful, I know, but the only other choice would have been a hospital admission. The glucose powder tastes good and travels well.

Sorry to hear you've all been so sick. My sister has complained that her family has had the same problem.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for all the suggestions. Using a straw worked well. I was resorting adding glucose powder to whatever he would drink.

Nearly frightened to say it but I think we're finally over the worst. He is eating again although not much but enough to take his levels up. I was only up once in the night checking him so my other half got a full nights sleep - nearly forgotten what that is! No wonder they use sleep deprivation as a form of torture!




My daughter is also 2 with type 1 diabetes. A couple of weeks ago my daughter was sick meaning she didn't have a temp but was off her food and if she did manage to eat anything then it would come back up more or less straight away. It was horrible. Every night i would check her bloods every 2 hours. Most often than not it would be less than 3. Then i would have to wake her up and give her some sugar water. I give 3heaped tspns of sugar to 50ml of water. It's better to give this than juice because with juice you have to give a good amount, half a glass or so. Sometimes she would drink it and sometimes she woudn't. If that happens i also have lucozade. I also put u tube on and play post man pat as it is her favourite.

I know what you mean about not getting enough sleep, i was i have no idea functioning without any sleep.

The sickness is over with now. She looks much better not so limp looking.