Such a struggle



I am new to this site but have read loads of good things since finding it. I am a type 2 diabetic who only discovered I had diabetes because I went to the doctors in mid thirties with permanent "red hot pins and needles" in my feet. It was discovered that I had diabetes and permanent nerve damage in both feet!! I am really bugged about why I have this horrible disease. I have no family history of it, I am not the usual template for it, I am about ten stone and quite fit still I am regularly in the park with my young son running around and playing football, though I have to be careful as I can't feel my feet.

The trouble is I find it so hard to accept that I have this disease, I am always forgetting to take tablets and injections but I don't seem to feel any different.

Another thing that really really bugs me is that there is so much conflicting information, I have been visiting a diabetic clinic in a hospital as I am due an operation on my shoulder and they wanted to monitor me for a while to be sure surgery is safe (don't see why I can't just sign a form to release them from any blame if anything happens to me!) and they have been checking my blood work etc BUT when I visited my lovely diabetic nurse at my GP's this week she told me that I am on the WRONG TYPE of insulin and on the WRONG dosage!!! How can this happen??? Who are you supposed to actually trust when you have questions, who can you really ask for the truth??

Just fed up with the whole situation, it is really depressing me. :(


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear your story. Conflicting advice seems to be the norm with diabetes! I can't help you much regards insulin, as I'm a type 2 and not on insulin. Why not post your story on the type 1 diabetes forum, and you'll get lot's of good info there I'm sure. I'll put a link to your post on that forum for you.