Thinking about liquid diet


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I think Goonergal's idea of broth might be a winner. Not necessarily bone broth, but some sort of broth.
I agree with the others above that your problem looks like something to do with insulin rather than diet, because your diet doesn't look too bad in theory. Could you handle boiled eggs and sardines? Maybe a handful of walnuts?


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I think Goonergal's idea of broth might be a winner. Not necessarily bone broth, but some sort of broth.
I agree with the others above that your problem looks like something to do with insulin rather than diet, because your diet doesn't look too bad in theory. Could you handle boiled eggs and sardines? Maybe a handful of walnuts?

Yes, eggs and sardines are still on the edible list as well as pretty well all sea fish. Can't get fresh sardines here, or fresh whitebait, but I can get salmon easily and smoked fish (mackerel, haddock). At least, I can if our supermarket has them (in nasty little plastic packs, but it's all they sell these days, since they closed their fresh fish counters). I have lots of pecan nuts to use but I don't really use walnuts. Again, buying them in the supermarkets means they are pretty stale before they arrive here. I bought the pecans in bulk from the internet.


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Thanks for that. Just checked out the website and it looks interesting but doesn't give ingredients for individual items. I have a few food intolerances which makes me wary. I was thinking of making my own shakes, but not sure that they would be nutritionally adequate.

I wonder if it could be worthwhile striking up some form of communication with them, to trial a smaller amount to see how you get along with it.

I appreciate the resistance to shell out a chunk on cash on something that could just go straight through. Ahem.


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Diet only
I agree with @Goonergal that ALL the pre-prepared shakes contain lots of gunk. Although I like chicken, meat and fish there is no way I can eat enough to give me an adequate intake of protein.

I have, however, found that adding water to plain Whey Protein Powder, shaking it thoroughly in a screw top plastic container and then drinking it really works for me. It actually doesn't taste of anything much - perhaps mildly of milk so I do drink it quite quickly. If you leave it too long it goes clumpy.

The Whey Powder I like is from Pink Sun Organic Wholefoods.

They do Protein Shakes that either have stevia or coconut sugar added. I avoid these and stick to just the Whey Protein Powders which are just whey protein and nothing else.
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Just thinking in another direction here, how are you doing with soups?
It's easy to 'hide' the meat if you use minced meat, veggies and a stick blender, and it still holds all the nutrients you'd get from traditional food.
It doesn't take a lot of work and it's easy to freeze in portions and just reheat a bowl in the microwave, so you can even eat it on days your legs don't play fair.
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Just thinking in another direction here, how are you doing with soups?
It's easy to 'hide' the meat if you use minced meat, veggies and a stick blender, and it still holds all the nutrients you'd get from traditional food.
It doesn't take a lot of work and it's easy to freeze in portions and just reheat a bowl in the microwave, so you can even eat it on days your legs don't play fair.

I do make soups quite often, and usually enjoy them and sometimes they are made with a meat base - usually chicken stock with no actual meat in it. Not sure if that is sufficiently high in protein to be helpful. I do make a lot of ragout with minced beef and, since it has lots of tomato in it, I think I can cope with that; I could increase the stock volume and decrease the meat a bit, which would make it more palatable.

My soups used to contain lots of pulses but they have too much carbs to be useful now. Beans and soya milk is where Neil gets his protein usually although he is hitting the sardines in spring water just now, to try to get his Crohn's back under control.

It sounds as though a totally liquid diet isn't going be right for me. Perhaps I should investigate tofu - not that we have much of a range available here - mostly the soft kind which is not so easy to cook with. I can still eat cheese (usually) and still can eat the wholemeal bread that we make, but again, can't live on that - one slice a day is about the maximum carbs for me.

Will see if Neil can get any of the whiter meats in minced form rather than cooking with beef all the time. Those would be more easily hidden in a soup. He hasn't been able to get any other kind of mince for me so far but I'll ask him to try again - once he is fit to go shopping again.


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The term “new normal “
Imho, you might have a look rebalancing your electrolyte balance. (Blood test?) Gradually reducing sodium and adding in potassium. I use salt lite which is 50% each.

carbs + salt = water retention for me.

Regarding the liquid diet, I’d go slowly and just replace one meal.

BTW, one of my favorites is an avocado and a scoop of whey protein in my mini blender. Full of nutrients and satisfying


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I've had several blood tests recently, some looking for specific things, some more generalised and nothing has been mentioned about electrolytes. Also nurses keep telling me not to make appointments for days when they are working. They hate trying to get blood out of me and I don't much like the numerous punctures and bruises that result from them trying to find a vein that will give them more than a tiny dribble.

The avocado with whey protein sound good, though. I'll give that a try. Thanks.


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I was put on a milk diet prior to my gastric bypass ....6 pints a day plus copius amounts of clear liquids .....the weight fell but it has its faults one of which if poohing out butter the weight falls off at first then when you start a refeed diet it all comes back


Imho, you might have a look rebalancing your electrolyte balance. (Blood test?) Gradually reducing sodium and adding in potassium. I use salt lite which is 50% each.

carbs + salt = water retention for me.

Regarding the liquid diet, I’d go slowly and just replace one meal.

BTW, one of my favorites is an avocado and a scoop of whey protein in my mini blender. Full of nutrients and satisfying

avocado whey sounds great