Tips for learning to drive with type 1


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hiya! I got my license back (after the DVLA) took it from me last year and would like to get the ball rolling with my driving lessons. Any tips for driving with type 1? Only been diagnosed 7 years and not driven with my condition yet.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Make sure your instructor knows your condition. Test regularly. Have a snack before starting, you would rather be a little on the high side than going low whilst driving. If you can, use CGM with alarms to alert you if it starts dropping low before it goes too low.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type

Here's my tip. Libre sensor + Miaomiao + XDrip app.

Every T1's dash should have one..

Congratulations on getting your licence back!



Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Could you tell me what this is? I’ve searched for this and can’t find any matches - I use the Libre


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Could you tell me what this is? I’ve searched for this and can’t find any matches - I use the Libre


Yes certainly I can. I use the Miaomiao mark 2 (or version 2. Call it second generation?) found on this link.

Plenty of members use this device on this forum. Feel,free to search for historical testimonies.

It works with the Libre relaying the readings to a device (in my case an old A3 Galaxy see in my picture.)
The app "xDrip" can be calibrated to the BG meter.
And at one touch of the home screen button, I can get an "at a glance" reading of my BG in the phone cradle, on my lock screen setting..
This needs to be set up in the XDrip phone app settings. You can either set it up like "wall paper." Or set the reading size with direction arrows in a position of your choosing on the look screen of the device.?
You can change the colour too.. I chose red. "Blood?"

I don't use the Abbott reader, just my phone starting the Libre sensor with the Librelink official phone app. Then use the xDrip app with the Bluetooth enabled Miaomiao like a "CGM." No waving the scanner about using NFC over the sensor like a "Jedi."
Updates every 5 minutes & the battery status of your Bluetooth sender.

Feel,free to ask further if unsure? I'll help all I can to clarify.. :)
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hiya! I got my license back (after the DVLA) took it from me last year and would like to get the ball rolling with my driving lessons. Any tips for driving with type 1? Only been diagnosed 7 years and not driven with my condition yet.
Hi Amy,I'm an old guy (67) I've had type one insulin dependent diabetes for 43 yrs, i was originally on a number of injections a day but now I'm on a pump and i use a Freestyle Libra permanent patch to scan and check my blood sugar. Twenty two years ago i had a very serious car accident when due to my injuries my heart stopped beating but luckily they managed to start it again (they can only start one person in every five) . At the moment you may think that you have very good hypo awareness but make sure that you test your blood every time that you drive and bare in mind any active insulin in your system so that if you are driving a long distance you can check your blood sugar levels regularly.I always keep a couple of liquid glucose shots in my car (you can get these from your doctor on script) as well as the obvious sweets, But don't be scared pluck up the courage and go for it, make sure that you tell your insurance company that you are diabetic and i wish you all the very best....Regards Andy Fisher.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hi Amy,I'm an old guy (67) I've had type one insulin dependent diabetes for 43 yrs, i was originally on a number of injections a day but now I'm on a pump and i use a Freestyle Libra permanent patch to scan and check my blood sugar. Twenty two years ago i had a very serious car accident when due to my injuries my heart stopped beating but luckily they managed to start it again (they can only start one person in every five) . At the moment you may think that you have very good hypo awareness but make sure that you test your blood every time that you drive and bare in mind any active insulin in your system so that if you are driving a long distance you can check your blood sugar levels regularly.I always keep a couple of liquid glucose shots in my car (you can get these from your doctor on script) as well as the obvious sweets, But don't be scared pluck up the courage and go for it, make sure that you tell your insurance company that you are diabetic and i wish you all the very best....Regards Andy Fisher.

Welcome to the forum.

Here’s hoping the Amy has successfully passed the driving test?
This topic is 4 years old now, so I dare say Amy has racked a little experience up..

I’m also sorry to read about your accident.
My van is a “lucozade stand” on wheels…

“Beep beep!” All the best.