Title: Coping with Infertility in men with T2B


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I am a 30-year-old man and planning to start a family. My wife had to undergo baby termination in her sixth month of pregnancy due to the baby having Down syndrome. After that, we took a year-long gap to focus on her health and get her body in good condition. During the first wave of Covid, I was diagnosed with diabetes and started taking metformin tablets. Last year, I moved to the UK to work in an IT company. We are still trying for a baby, but my wife has had two miscarriages. Recently, I did a semen analysis at home using a test kit, which showed that I have low sperm count. Now, I am feeling depressed as I fear I may not become a father anymore. Since I am working in an IT company, I am unable to get enough time to take appointments, and there is no proper response from my GP when I visit them for an appointment to check my diabetes and get advice for family planning. Is there any private hospitals here in uk to check our health conditions and seeking advises from them..??
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Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hello, @saikosuri .
First of all I would like to say that I am sorry for your loss of much wanted children. That and the upheaval of moving to a new country must be very stressful for you.
We are not able to give medical advice, or name and recommend Medical professionals here, but as you have found your way to this forum, I am sure you could do a search for the fertility consultants in the area where you live.
Best wishes for a successful outcome.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi, I am sorry to hear about your struggles, it is definitely an anxious time. I have no knowledge about the relationship between diabetes and fertility for men, but I do suggest you get involved in the more general parts of this forum to learn how to manage diabetes. It has helped me tons as a woman!

Lobsang Tsultim

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Perhaps getting your diabetes under control is the best thing to concentrate on now. By improving your overall health you might improve your sperm count too. I know the GPs are overwhelmed atm, maybe try a little patience before opting for the private sector as the costs can be quite expensive I believe.
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