Tongue ulcers and pain


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Hi, type 1 here, I've been experiencing pain with my tongue and have noticed ulcers along the top and side of it, is there a specific cause of this ad any solution to help either reduce it or get rid of it?

Thank you in advance.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
All things that hurt (emotional and physical)
Hello there,

I would seek medical advice from your GP to be honest or maybe dentist.

I know that we all get ulcers from time to time but to have what appears to be a lot over your tongue would suggest to get it checked out to be safe. Even ask a trusted pharmacist.

You said pain in your tongue. If this is a separate pain to that of the ulcers (and not ulcer pain) it would suggest something is not wright.

It may be down to high glucose readings and feeling run down but only a trained medical professional can give you a proper diagnosis and treatment which is suitable for what ever it is you are suffering from.

It may be nothing but as Xmas is just around the corner I would try to get seen as soon as possible if not just to put your mind at rest.

Hoping all is good.