Type 2 Preconception and Pregnancy Help...First Time Parents


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
I'm 32, TYPE 2 and on toujeo and trurapi insulin. I've been with the hospital diabetes specialists for over a yr and finally (in 2.5 months time) have the green light to try for a family (TTC). (We will be first time parents)

I still have other stuff to try and achieve in this time (especially as much weightloss as possible) but want to be as prepared as possible.

I don't have any type 2 friends who've had kids I'm so lost.
I need tips, and any guidance, experiences to help me know about TTC and about being pregnant with type 2.

I'm neurospicy so I've been driving myself crazy looking things up trying to be prepared and getting myself overwhelmed.

Any help gratefully received
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Unfortunately my experience is only as a type 1, but I would recommend asking if your hospital diabetes clinic has a pre-pregnancy specialist who can assist.

You should probably also ask to start taking the higher dose folic acid supplements.

Good luck!!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I am type 2, not on medication. I found it helpful to use this forum in general to get on top of my diabetes. I am now pregnant for the second time.

All the best to you :)
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Type 2, pregnant with my second baby at 40 - I was diet controlled with my first before conception and took Metformin through pregnancy. This time around I was on Metformin X 3 daily, hba1c was 35 both times and my BMI was just under 30 I conceived so think that was my sweet spot health-wise.

Are you taking high dose folic acid yet? My diabetic team prescribed it for me before I fell pregnant so I had a chance to build up stores.