Type 2's: What was your fasting blood glucose in a morning?

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I had the ct scan yesterday now i have to wait 7 to 10 days for the results.
Hi mate I really hope you are feeling better, I can understand how bad these pains could be, I hate headaches and I can absolutely understand this.
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Went from 101kg to 94kg so like I said still a long way to go , but a great start for me ;):oops:
That's great stuff. Every time I get to 15 stone I bounce right back up. Have been in a half stone range for the last 3 months. Determined to 'break' through to the other side by the end of the month and continue on from there.
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people who dont signal when they are turning left or right.
Hi mate I really hope you are feeling better, I can understand how bad these pains could be, I hate headaches and I can absolutely understand this.
Hi mate feeling a bit better this morning doc has put me on Tramadol 50mg capsules
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6.6 at 7.30 am. Are the only things that can improve FBG medication and the ND?
I personally think exercise can also help. I only do walking (and that fairly slowly) but I'm sure this has helped. I'm not on medication for diabetes and haven't done the ND. I've just used my meter to see what foods (or how much) I can eat. My HbA1c has gone from 95 on diagnosis in Feb 2015 to 50 in May 2015. Some on this forum have a lot of control from weight loss which is what the Newcastle Study is doing. My personal view is a mixture of diet, weight loss and exercise can all help.
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Rap and hip - hop
Morning all

5.5 for me today so going the right way.

Birthday celebration weekend coming up though so things could go a bit pear shaped.

HbA1c result yesterday was 38, which I believe is 5.6 in old money, bit higher than I was hoping but not too bad.

Might have to refine my testing regime...
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Type of diabetes
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Diet only
I personally think exercise can also help. I only do walking (and that fairly slowly) but I'm sure this has helped. I'm not on medication for diabetes and haven't done the ND. I've just used my meter to see what foods (or how much) I can eat. My HbA1c has gone from 95 on diagnosis in Feb 2015 to 50 in May 2015. Some on this forum have a lot of control from weight loss which is what the Newcastle Study is doing. My personal view is a mixture of diet, weight loss and exercise can all help.
Yep with you on exercise. Anything that raises your heart rate and you enjoy is going to benefit your bloods and you don't have to get all hot and sweaty!

Take walking for example - low impact, cheap and very enjoyable now there's a bit more sun around (soak up that Vit C). Now - we are all testers here - so I would recommend buying an inexpensive heart rate monitor from ebay - you can spend up to £200 on one but as those that are upgrading to the more expensive versions generally sell their old ones you can pick up an ECG accurate device for under a tenner.

Some devices will automatically calculate your heart rate zones but it's very easy to do manually as well. If you're new to walking just take it slowly and walk for 20 minutes in the 'fat burning zone' which is 50 to 60% of your maximum heart rate (just think that you are late for an appointment speed wise) - so double benefit. If that works for you and your enjoying it experiment with say walking up hill and see how it raises your heart rate and for how long too - it is great stuff.

Monty - the dog - knows were going out for a walk when I pick up his lead and a run when I pick up my Heart rate monitor!

Go for it! It's great and you never know you may end up doing something stupid like the White cliffs challenge www.ldwakent.org.uk/events.html

I've signed up for the 53 miler if anyone wants to join me?
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Retired Moderator
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I reversed my Type 2
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Diet only
6.6 at 7.30 am. Are the only things that can improve FBG medication and the ND?

Not for me Larissima. I have never taken medication and didn't do the ND.

When I started testing, around two weeks after diagnosis, my highest fasting was 9.8, and these days run in a range of 3.2 - 4.5; but not seeing too many at the upper range.

I found trimming carbs and trimming myself up had the big impacts, but I didn't do the ND.

Do you test as soon as you wake? I test when I wash my hands, after my morning loo trip, immediately after waking. That provides me with consistent data, and can be reassured that no other factors like showering, or moving around too much as influencing the scores.
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Well-Known Member
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Tablets (oral)
Bullies, discrimination of any kind, bad manners, parents who let their kids run amok & spoil things for everyone else, unkind spiteful people, being a clumsy clod, toast crumbs in the bed, cold feet!!
5.6 this morning. 2 hours after breakfast of a Ham & Cheese toastie followed by a Nectarine, bg was 6.9. Guess I should be ok with those figures. Back in the low 5's now.

Good health & best wishes everyone. X :)
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Well-Known Member
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6.6 at 7.30 am. Are the only things that can improve FBG medication and the ND?
I'm finding if I have a small amount of something I know has carbs, some brown rice for example, my BG's will rise at all points, even the next morning. Meat is looking okay as long as it is not too much. If I have an egg based dinner, crust-less flan type thing, then my BG's are as low as they have ever been... probably lower than I want.. I'm finding diet probably my number one target... meat, veg and some cheeses.
I try not to eat after 20:00... not sure why but something I do.
Walking: at least 30 mins every day and really pushing myself.
Planks: I do a 5 minute plank every morning, this really does get the heart pounding and it's not long enough to send me all covered in sweat...
Is this enough?
I don't know yet.... but it's where I is at the moment.
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