Type 2's: What was your fasting blood glucose in a morning?

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Tablets (oral)
:hilarious::hilarious: It all goes to show how different we all are. I would have declined any desserts and gone for a steak and chips with battered onion rings and peas!
I did have the battered onion rings, and the only reason I didn't have chips was because my uncle bought some at lunchtime. My first naughty day since xmas though, and it will be a long time until the next. Bs this morning a staggering 6.9, I'm usually low 5s or even 4s. That Will teach me :(
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Had the results of my fasting test.
Bloods average 5.5.
Great news.
Cholesterol 5.6 overall which is the British average.
Doc says have to aim lower cos a diabetic isn't average good result though as it was 7 last time.
Good Chol is 1.5 which I'm told is very good but up my olive oil a little and oily fish.
Blood pressure down so less medication for that too.
She was a happier about my LCHF lifestyle now she can see the results.
All in all good all round result.
Didn't quite get it all though as there was a dog barking in the waiting room.
Doc looked at me and said .... is that a dog I can hear?
I think so.
We tried to continue while a commotion of some kind was going on in the waiting room.
Excellent news Jack :)
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Had the results of my fasting test.
Bloods average 5.5.
Great news.
Cholesterol 5.6 overall which is the British average.
Doc says have to aim lower cos a diabetic isn't average good result though as it was 7 last time.
Good Chol is 1.5 which I'm told is very good but up my olive oil a little and oily fish.
Blood pressure down so less medication for that too.
She was a happier about my LCHF lifestyle now she can see the results.
All in all good all round result.
Didn't quite get it all though as there was a dog barking in the waiting room.
Doc looked at me and said .... is that a dog I can hear?
I think so.
We tried to continue while a commotion of some kind was going on in the waiting room.
Well done Jack all your hard work paying dividends.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Tablets (oral)
Had the results of my fasting test.
Bloods average 5.5.
Great news.
Cholesterol 5.6 overall which is the British average.
Doc says have to aim lower cos a diabetic isn't average good result though as it was 7 last time.
Good Chol is 1.5 which I'm told is very good but up my olive oil a little and oily fish.
Blood pressure down so less medication for that too.
She was a happier about my LCHF lifestyle now she can see the results.
All in all good all round result.
Didn't quite get it all though as there was a dog barking in the waiting room.
Doc looked at me and said .... is that a dog I can hear?
I think so.
We tried to continue while a commotion of some kind was going on in the waiting room.
Well done Jackthelad... great results. I love the fact that drs will never admit they were wrong.. even the LCHF life style is obviously working for you :)
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Well-Known Member
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Tablets (oral)
5.2 before bed
6.9 this morning..... can feel I am on the rise this morning... dont think I will ever figure out how this blinking diabetes works, it keeps changing its mind lol
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Well-Known Member
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Diet only
Intolerance, career politicians, reality TV and so-called celebrity culture, mobile phones in the quiet carriage.
Sublime to ridiculous - 6.8 :banghead: (and that was the average of 3).

Explanation options:
1) Overdid the kidney beans and portion of the chilli con carne and blueberries at dinner (we have chilli con carne about once a month and it does spike me a bit of course next morning, though not usually that much). Actual dinner was 5.0 > 6.1.
2) Work and tiredness.
3) One of those things.

I will not stress over this
I will not stress over this
I will not stress over this
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Oh I must change my signature. ..I'm on Lantus and Novorapid now :( x
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Type of diabetes
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Diet only
I had a bad day yesterday, couldn't get out of the 6's from fasting until pre-evening meal. No obvious reasons. So I decided to have a carb free evening meal. Total of 5g carbs approx. (Only 32g all day, normally around 50g at the moment)

Before tea 5.2
2hrs after, 6.0
3hrs after 5.9
Bedtime 5.6 (higher than average)
Fasting 5.6

I was surprised at the 0.8 rise after so few carbs at tea time and surprised it didn't go down further during the evening.
I hope I haven't caught a virtual lurgy from people on here!
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Being told “Oh go on, one won’t hurt you!”.
Conversely, the food police.
Is it batch ending 44?
Indeed it is!!! I have yet to get a reading below 7.2 so far, after having readings in the 6s and one 5.

Today I am going to try testing with a 44 and from my new batch of 61 and see what happens.
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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
forgot to test, as per bloomin usual.
will do it now.

6.1, but feeling like I'm dropping fast... brekkie time!
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
5.3 before bed.
5.3 fasting.

Eating too late at night and skipping the gym yesterday not good. Still happy :)
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Being told “Oh go on, one won’t hurt you!”.
Conversely, the food police.
Apropos my post above, I haven't posted my readings for the past few days as it was too depressing! (I concur with the poster who said now we know why we are discouraged by our DNs from testing).

Anyhoo, last night (after four days of VLC (less than 20g) eating, my readings were
Bedtime 8.2
Fasting 7.3
Pre-breakfast 1 hour later 7.7
Post-breakfast 2 hours 7.0

Compare that to the reading taken with batch 44 the day before I started a NEW tub of 44:
Bedtime 7.3
Fasting 6.6
Pre-breakfast 1 hour later 6.6 (!!!!)
Post-breakfast 2 hours 6.5
Those readings are similar for the entire time I was using that particular tub of Batch 44.

I am going to double-test for the rest of today with Batch 44 and Batch 61.
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