Type 3c on Insulin and intermittent fasting.

Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Really interested to hear thoughts, experiences or advice regarding intermittent fasting.

Long story short, I've noticed a huge ramp up in painful joints since being put on insulin and having hi bs.
Saw part of a docu which said whilst fasting your bodies cells get chance to repair themselves vs constant supply of food which not only feeds healthy cells but also zombie cells that are suboptimal. Resulting in arthritis,ageing,hairloss,cancer dementia.

I didn't see the whole docu and I am concerned about ketones so any help advice or anything really would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 3c
Treatment type
Did you get any replies to this? I am type 3c and been doing intermittent fasting for about a year, going really strict and 18 hours fasting 5 days a week, other two about 14 hours each. Not lost any weight, and commenting to diabetic nurse I have early morning bs in low 3s then get liver dumping sometimes into 10s, and perhaps into 20s on eating. Something not working right; she is thinking I need a Libre Monitor.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Did you get any replies to this? I am type 3c and been doing intermittent fasting for about a year, going really strict and 18 hours fasting 5 days a week, other two about 14 hours each. Not lost any weight, and commenting to diabetic nurse I have early morning bs in low 3s then get liver dumping sometimes into 10s, and perhaps into 20s on eating. Something not working right; she is thinking I need a Libre Monitor.
I have never heard of type 3e? Is this an official medical term now?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 3c
Treatment type
I have never heard of type 3e? Is this an official medical term now?
Good question…seems to vary between different branches of medicine/ health but that I think is more due to the fact some people just don’t understand what type 3c is and where to place it in relation to the more commonly known types 1 and 2. I get told by hospital diabetic nurses ‘ it’s more like type 1’ because my pancreas doesn’t produce any insulin anymore, but then get sent on a type2 course!