@Michele01 ...he already has ketone sticks that nurse prescribed when starting on Forxiga but the issue is here that he told me that she said he doesn't have to use them....he is more likely to take notice of what she says rather than what I say....hence I was hoping that she would tell him he needed to test daily...
Am also interested in your comments to
@furbydoggie about the low carb issue....my partner has not made a conscious decision to follow a low carb diet but seems to be doing so by default....he has cut out potatoes and most bread and will also look at carb content of foods he purchases and reject those too high in carbs...am wondering if this now puts him at greater risk of dka based on what your consultant asked you.
Is there anywhere that I can get hold of the information that you mentioned ....it could be useful to show to his diabetic nurse so that the right advice can be given.