weird feelings

head clansman

Weymouth Dorset uk
rude people , people who can't make an instant decision

been type 2 now for about three yrs , but just lately most night in the small hrs i get woken up with two very strange feeling , 1 it feel like in my shoulders and upper arms the veins are shaking or it like i can feel the blood pumping around my body , 2 accross my stomage in a deffinate line across the bellow button from left to right or vic versa if you wish it feel like my stomage is colapsing in that area or it's like i've been cut there and i can feel the line of it , it a very strange feeling which i cant explain. just wondering any one else have these sort of things happen to yourselfes

i dont take any diabetis control only bloodpressure tabs which has,nt change since i became a type 2

sugarless sue

United Kingdom
Rude people! Not being able to do the things I want to do.
Welcome to the forum, what kind of blood pressure pills are you taking ? It may be a side effect of these or maybe stress related.

head clansman

Weymouth Dorset uk
rude people , people who can't make an instant decision
hi sue

i'mm taking aspin 75 ml , atenonol 25mg, bendroflummethiazide 2.5mg , ramipril 10mg , and now lipitor 40mg , stopped taking statin 80 mg about two months ago.

recently had two flu jabs first in oct of the yearly flue jab , about three weeks after that also had the swine flue jab , about four weeks after that had the symptons of flue for about four weeks bgs all over the place and still are not as low as i would like them . hc

head clansman

Weymouth Dorset uk
rude people , people who can't make an instant decision
hi sue

thanks for that , yea i have to see him soon , i've never experienced any thing like it before, it really is quite worrying once woken up it,s no sleep after that, night after night , oh i did forget to say i also have a 12cm syst on the liver which is very uncomfortable to say the least, i 'm waiting on the nhs to decide what they will do if anything . hc

head clansman

Weymouth Dorset uk
rude people , people who can't make an instant decision
hi sue

yes, antibiotics for flu, dont remember the name of tablets , a three week course finished them on christmas eve, reason i was taking them , as mentioned after my swine flu jab, but before i started to developing flu symtons my diabetic nurse she called me in for six monthly checks between the two flu jabs time period which she herself administered , from the results of the blood test she immediately had a prescribtion waiting for me for metaformin before i arrived to see her without even discussing it with me first , by then i had developed flue symptoms . (diabetics + flue symptoms = bgs ????

I complained about this to the doctor who agreed to a three week course of the antibiotics first, i'm now in holland visiting my daughter now for the new yrs holiday, and having problems still, to be honest i think these symptoms that i get developed before the antibiotics where started . hc

head clansman

Weymouth Dorset uk
rude people , people who can't make an instant decision
hi sue

thanks for that , well at least i haven't been swamped with replies , oh yea i get those as well, sort of thing , maybe i'm not normal, but i have to get it sorted one way or the other . hc