I've searched the forums and can't really find what really high blood sugar feels like so I thought I'd share. I'm only 9.7 at the moment but I will share what I experienced at 27 mmol/L in case it helps someone. I've modified the form of this post to try and separate immediate symptoms from those that are mid- to long-term. Anything that I've removed can be found in the comments, but if they need to be added back they obviously can be
* Thirst
* Urination almost constantly. Maybe related to how much I was drinking because I was so thirsty all the time (edit: maybe not... homeostasis will try and get rid of excess glucose.... one way to do that is via the kidneys, so maybe the urination and the thirst were the other way around)
* Unpleasant smell on my breath and in urine; I don't really know how to describe it (note: check BSL with finger prick... may need immediate medical treatment)
* Heart palpitations
* Insomnia
* Agitation
Additions based on feedback
* Sleepiness/fatigue
* Dryness of skin, or perhaps a feeling of dryness in general
* Visual changes. E.g. "cloudy" or blurred vision
* Dry mouth
* Lack of concentration
* Lack of coordination
* Pets licking your skin
Removed because maybe they take a longer time to develop
* Fungal infection on private parts
* Tongue dark brown dark
* Abdominal pain (I've removed this because I don't experience it immediately and my abdominal pain has been pancreatitis. It might be an immediate or short-term symptom though, I'm not sure)
Anyway, I'm nothing like this now. I just thought I'd share because I can find lots on low BSL but not a lot on very high BSL. High BSL, in my experience, is very different to low. When I'm low I could probably just go to sleep
Edit: sorry if some of those descriptions sound yucky, but they are what they are
* Thirst
* Urination almost constantly. Maybe related to how much I was drinking because I was so thirsty all the time (edit: maybe not... homeostasis will try and get rid of excess glucose.... one way to do that is via the kidneys, so maybe the urination and the thirst were the other way around)
* Unpleasant smell on my breath and in urine; I don't really know how to describe it (note: check BSL with finger prick... may need immediate medical treatment)
* Heart palpitations
* Insomnia
* Agitation
Additions based on feedback
* Sleepiness/fatigue
* Dryness of skin, or perhaps a feeling of dryness in general
* Visual changes. E.g. "cloudy" or blurred vision
* Dry mouth
* Lack of concentration
* Lack of coordination
* Pets licking your skin
Removed because maybe they take a longer time to develop
* Fungal infection on private parts
* Tongue dark brown dark
* Abdominal pain (I've removed this because I don't experience it immediately and my abdominal pain has been pancreatitis. It might be an immediate or short-term symptom though, I'm not sure)
Anyway, I'm nothing like this now. I just thought I'd share because I can find lots on low BSL but not a lot on very high BSL. High BSL, in my experience, is very different to low. When I'm low I could probably just go to sleep
Edit: sorry if some of those descriptions sound yucky, but they are what they are
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