What are these marks? Am I being paranoid?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
This morning I've noticed that I've suddenly got tiny red blotches on my left hand and on my forearm. The only way to describe them is like really feint love-bite type of marks where there are tiny red dots about the size of a pin prick.

Do I need to worry about this? My aunt had T2 and ended up with gangrene and lost fingers, then her hand and finally her arm

Please let me know your thoughts - good or bad....



Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Soap operas.
I have recently been diagnosed with Type 2 and have been taking 500mg of metformin with meals. Since starting on metformin I have developed severe bodily itching akin to the eczema I had as a child. My skin looks exactly like in your photos. Do you also have itching? I suspect I am allergic to metformin and shall have to ask my GP for an alternative or at least get some antihistamines or cream to alleviate this allergic reaction. Your skin reaction could be an allergic response to either high glucose or to any new drugs you are being treated with such as metformin in my case.
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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Are they itching, painful or anything else?

At the moment if it were me, I'd be supremely unconcerned about it, unless I felt rough. I'd wager your aunt was in the less common group for amputees, in that hers seem to have been upper body. My understanding is the more commonly affected areas are the lower extremities.

A potentially comforting comment comment would be that redness usually indicates a decent blood supply, or a bit of an irritation/allergy.

Could you be reacting to a hefty rise in carb intake, versus more recent times, due to your birthday celebrations? The body doesn't like a chaotic routine, so maybe it's objecting a bit?

Keep an eye on it and give yourself a bit of a consultation:
Do you have any extraordinary aches and pains?
And headache?
Disrupted sleep?

If there's nothing too out of the ordinary, keep a good eye on it for a day or so. You have photos, so provided you can replicate the lighting conditions, you would have a comparison on which to assess later or tomorrow.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Thank you.

Maybe it is the carby stuff from Friday and Saturday but it's odd how it's only one side. I'm not usually one to get paranoid but it's weird.

I haven't had any treats since going back on the wagon so it's been a good month without the evil carbs so let's hope it's that then!!

My aunt was told to drop sugar and not eat sweets and cake but she still lived off pasta, bread and pizza which resulted in her being on insulin jabs....she died years ago...

Thank you for replying.

Mike d

Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
idiots who will not learn

Likewise ... if that was me, I could not be less interested ... but do keep a watch out. Looks very minor so some soothing cream might help a bit.
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Type of diabetes
Don't have diabetes
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Me and my children have this at the moment!!! No other symptoms just randomly started. I was told by pharmacist that it was either viral or an allergy
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