What HbA1C level would trigger treatment?


Well-Known Member
For a relatively newly dignosed type 2 on a trial period of diet control what HbA1c result would lead to an expectation of medication being prescribed?


Well-Known Member
Not really knowing what's going on inside my Endocrine system!!!
Hi Primmers. I was diagnosed Type 2 in March.

My nurse told me HbA1c of over 7.5 is usually considered for medication.

She told me that I would be put on it now (because of the amount of increase between my Dec and Mar reading) but has decided to wait until I get results from further testing (insulin/genetics)

The Diabetologist said I'll be on 'some form of medication before the year's out' - when I questioned this, I was told that I'm classed as 'optimimum lifestyle' in terms of excercise, weight, eating/drinking habits so no further leeway for me i.e diet control etc. They normally advise Type 2s on dietry advice/weight loss before subscribing meds 'where they can'.

Personally I don't like feeling that I can't take control over this situation...but I've been making adjustments here and there anyway like watching portions, eating regularly and not allowing too long without eating something, also watching out for high carb/sugar content (I've been told I won't get a metre/test strips).


This might help,

http://medweb.bham.ac.uk/easdec/prevent ... tm#tablets

Targets set with your G.P. are not the same for everybody. A lot will depend on age, mobility or lack of, other conditions etc.
If you are doing well on diet and exercise and your GP wants you to go on meds then you have to ask him/her to explain why. Metformin is often prescribed for health benefits as it is not a miraculous blood sugar lowering agent.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for that, got my next HbA1c next week and I'm starting to get hitchy, I'd prefer to put off meds as long as possible...


Hello. Thanks for responding to my posting. Nice to hear from somebody also new to the subject.
I'm with you. Particularly with regard to the lack of help I've got from my GP. I'm convinced that you should only take medication when there is no alternative, also bearing in mind that some medication does not go well with other types, and you could be a guinea pig! Best Regards.