"Does anyone understand carbs?" · View online · Say hi on the forum

Meet Dan: a low-carb champion


Dan Feehely weighed 124kg when he was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. After 9 months of following the Low Carb Program, he has come off medication and lost 48kg!

Beating T2D
Incentive payments

Incentive payments


What we're reading

Purer insulin-producing stem cells developed

T-Rex study reaches milestone

Bariatric surgery success linked to lower BMI

Does anyone understand carbs?

Reversing T2 Diabetes diet (Prof Taylor, Newcastle)

Awkward avocados

Getting signed off work

Diagnosed 2 months ago, still adjusting

Wine and ketosis


Eat low-carb on a budget


Low-carb snacks

Class actions against sugar

Can I ever get drunk again?

The big fat truth

We examine the hypothesis that fat in the pancreas affects beta cells in type 2 diabetes, with a new study claiming this might not be the case.

Beta cell revelation

PS: Watermelons - yes or no? What's your opinion?

Have a great Thursday,

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