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How to beat temptation at Christmas
How to beat temptation at Christmas

Christmas presents a variety of high carb hurdles and temptations. Our festive guide has tips on beating cravings and focusing on enjoying delicious, blood sugar friendly food.

The DCUK Christmas guide
Push away food pushers

We all know food pushers who’ll try and steer us from our path this Christmas, so learn how to say no with confidence.

Say no with confidence
Sugarless desserts

Replacing the sugar in Christmas desserts with natural sweeteners is one way to make them healthier and blood sugar friendly.

Sugar swaps
A white Christmas
A white Christmas

The recent snowfall increases the risk of falling, and people with diabetes need to be vigilant for fractures.

Bone fracture risk
Do supplements work?
Prescription reminder

This time of year is busy for most, so if you have a repeat prescription, make sure you’re well stocked over Christmas.

Stock up early
30 Day Meal Plan
3D printed beta cells

A 3D printer developed to help people with type 1 diabetes could help tackle ‘big clinical challenges’ within islet cell transplantation.

Making ‘customisable organs’
Take a look at some of today's top threads:

01  Animal insulin pump
02  How do I say no to statins
03  Fruit
04  Timing of ketosis checks
05  New bread by Hovis
06  Opinions please
07  Diabetic eye screening
08  Hypos at work - what to do?
09  In the news
10  Medical Insurance

There are 1,547,685 posts from 260,851 members in the forum right now.

Did you know: that 96% of questions get their first response in 4 minutes! Login to join the conversation or sign-up and start a thread here.

What we're eating

Bacon Brussel Sprouts
Roasted Christmas Cauliflower
Christmas in a Cupcake
Frosted Carrot and Nut Cake Bars
Low Carb Program

What we're reading

High NHS staff obesity
High NHS staff obesity

A leading journal is calling for a rethink of weight loss guidance amid soaring obesity in NHS staff.

NHS obesity crisis
Animal control
Treating breast cancer

Breast cancer cells become more sensitive to chemotherapy with metformin, a new study suggests.

Metformin effects

Have a great day,

PS. Forum user Sawds is celebrating an early Christmas gift - his HbA1c has dropped from 97-45 mmol (11-6.3%) in just three months!

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