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Misdiagnoses, Rising costs + Re-designing entire cities?
As population trends change and grow, the NHS and GPs can sometimes be left playing catch-up. New evidence has indicated a trend which could be leading to people with type 1 diabetes being misdiagnosed.

There is a certain age-prejudice surrounding type 1 diabetes, one that hasn't quite shaken loose yet. Back in the day, type 1 diabetes was known as 'juvenile diabetes', because it was normally diagnosed in children.

This no longer seems to be true as half of all cases of type 1 diabetes are apparently being diagnosed when the patient is above the age of 30. If a doctor sees high blood glucose levels in a patient over 30, will that patient be at risk of being misdiagnosed as having type 2 diabetes? Can it be that hard to tell which type of diabetes a person has?

We have an example right here on the Forum. Take a look at SamMac's story who only saw success with his diagnosis after a chance encounter at the GP's reception desk.

Even if type 2 is sometimes misdiagnosed as type 1, we know that prevalence of type 2 diabetes is steadily climbing. In fact, costs for lifestyle associated illnesses have now topped 11 billion pounds, Public Health England has reported. But some researchers from Melbourne have come up with an really interesting way in which exercise levels can be organically boosted, and it involves a blueprint of an entire city. Check it out.

Free Contour Next USB Giveaway!
Take a look at some of today's top threads:

01  New nember needs advice about Contour Next
02  Blood sugar meters
03  Long time Type 2, new to forum
04  Can diabetics safely fast
05  Sweet Potatoes
06  Confused and distressed
07  Libre purchasing
08  Diet advice
09  Type 1: Hand cream?
10  Why do I have to pay to be normal?
11  Type 1? Confused..

There are 1,177,543 posts from 216,658 in the forum right now.

Did you know: that 96% of questions get their first response in 4 minutes! Login to join the conversation or sign-up and start a thread here.
What's hot in the community
Boxing clever
Last week, British boxing star Anthony Crolla backed a diabetes campaign involving a nine-year-old girl with type 1 diabetes.
Type 1 fundraising


The right track?
The use of wearable fitness trackers does not improve weight loss, a new randomized controlled trial has found.
Wearable tech study


Fitness first
A 53-year-old fitness instructor with type 2 diabetes has been nominated for an award for helping others
Top class

Join the Low Carb Program!
Lastly, have you ever wondered if a diabetes board game exists? Well in Jack’s new blog, he investigated the brief history of diabetes board games and the effect they have had upon diabetes education.

Have a great day,

PS. Forum member KittyKatty has seen some amazing success. Check out her secret and say well done!

Get in touch: here


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