8-week Blood Sugar Diet


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gorgeous no sugar recipe books 'I quit sugar cookbook'
I do not take any sugar in any form apart from those spoons that go into my coffee. I cook my own food. Stopped Subway [my usual lunch 12 inch sub] and pizzahut [full garden pizza for dinner] long ago when I decided to shed weight. No cakes, no ice-cream, no granola bars, no canned food of any type, no bottled fruit-juices [I just eat fruit itself], no sauces, no salad dressing over the years.

But, Xmas time all rules were set aside, so downed good amount of rice and potatoes, besides my coffee [oh sugar!]. It took 4 weeks for me to shed those lbs. But after that weight loss stalled. So I need to further adjust my diet. One hope is that Ash Wednesday is nearing; Lent will help me to reach my goals by Easter.

I feel big sisterly to you that I am being so
Thanks, much appreciated. Right now kind of confused, mostly due to absence of cafine in my system? and am struggling to readjust; hope not to fall through cracks. My daughter [a budding doc] found me bit low in energies, wondering if something wrong. She feels that I am suffering from withdrawal symptoms and that coffee is anti-depressant. Anyway, I believe I can do without coffee totally; by substituting cold water.


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Referring back to the OP and the 8 week blood sugar diet. I am on day 10 and as yet have not seen any change in my blood sugar numbers. I am prediabetic so was expecting them to improve quickly. They are the same or if anything slightly higher than before Christmas. Fasting is normally around 6 something with the occasional 5.7, 5.8 which is normal for me anyway. Is this not working for me?
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Referring back to the OP and the 8 week blood sugar diet. I am on day 10 and as yet have not seen any change in my blood sugar numbers. I am prediabetic so was expecting them to improve quickly. They are the same or if anything slightly higher than before Christmas. Fasting is normally around 6 something with the occasional 5.7, 5.8 which is normal for me anyway. Is this not working for me?

It's that old chestnut of "we're all different", probably.

As an aside, I also believe we each have (as well as that Personal Fat Threshold) a personal blood range, where our bodies tick-tock along at their best. Like anything, the closer we get to the objective, the slower the progress becomes, or appears to become. Whilst not an accurate example to reflect your circumstances, but to make a point; if you were running at, say 10, then coming down to, say 8, is excellent, and a 20% downward shift, but starting at 5 (just to keep the arithmetic simple!), to lose the same 2 units would be a 40% shift. Do you see what I mean?

If you were trying to improve things before starting this specific diet (whether weight, bloods or both), you may already have used up that quick improvement we usually see at the beginning of a diet. Whilst it might be a more aggressive approach that you may have been trying before, it could be your body is treating this like "stage 2", not a starting position?

All you can really do is to check your compliance with the plan (to put your own mind at ease. No suggestion on my part you are deviating), and stick with it.

On a final point, many people have commented that once they start to get their numbers under control, firstly they find their fasting numbers are last to improve. This was the case for me. Secondly, some comment that although they don't see the same, alarming spikes, their personal "business as usual, easy wave" zone can have a slightly higher low point. The hypothesis is this can be a result of eating more fat or sometimes protein; both of which take much longer than carbs to digest.

So, apologies for the brain dump there. Just throwing those ideas out there. :)
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@AndBreathe You are probably right. I have already lost 31 lbs over the past 12 months brought my Hba1c results from 49 to 43 and eat a low carb diet anyway. Yes this is more aggressive and like you say is really just a harder push at what I have already been doing. I will assess at the half way stage I think, as I don't really want to lose too much more weight, at 53 too much weight loss can make one look old and tired, any more than another 7lbs may be too much bringing me to a BMI 22.


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@AndBreathe You are probably right. I have already lost 31 lbs over the past 12 months brought my Hba1c results from 49 to 43 and eat a low carb diet anyway. Yes this is more aggressive and like you say is really just a harder push at what I have already been doing. I will assess at the half way stage I think, as I don't really want to lose too much more weight, at 53 too much weight loss can make one look old and tired, any more than another 7lbs may be too much bringing me to a BMI 22.

Don't be too quick to decide on the "too much weight loss" thing. When we lose weight, it always seems to go from the places we least want to lose it. Similarly, when we gain, it rarely pumps up the bits we might prefer, but goes straight to the hated places. Given time, it will redistribute; notwithstanding our hereditary, natural tendencies.

Secondly, people who don't see you often will notice the difference and often comment, in concern, as will others. Sometimes people are surprised by the changes and sometimes they are plain old jealous and make comments they wouldn't like to be made to themselves. Finally, if we look around ourselves in Tesco, on the High Street or in the office, a decent proportion of those around us are carrying excess, so that's what we have become comfortable seeing. A slighter person is no longer the most common thing. Been there, done that and have both t-shirts, to my shame!

If you consider a BMI of 22 is high/mid-healthy, then my personal approach would be to dip a bit lower, as a safety net, and also to leave you a couple of kilos of leeway when you are developing your lifetime maintenance programme. You don't want to be constantly trimming, do you?

That said, I got very skinny, then found I had trouble stopping weight loss, coupled with not regaining any weight in my maintenance phase.

Obviously, it's your choice, but how many times do you want to "trim just a bit more"?
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I have just completed my first week on the 8-week blood sugar diet. I started mainly to keep my husband company. His blood sugars have been in the pre-diabetic range and he is overweight. So I wanted to support his efforts and it's easier to shop and prepare the same food for two.

I have been LCHF for the previous three months, and lost some weight, more to go. My BG readings had reduced but not enough in my opinion. My early morning fasting BG being the most stubborn.

The 8-week diet has astounded me. One week in and my BG readings have really steadied - always in the 6's including the fasting ones. I am thrilled, in my opinion 'steady' is an excellent result. The food is actually very tasty. A little different from low carb in that there are quite a few beans and pulses, and I have eased off on the fat. My pot of double cream sits unloved in the fridge! Also a couple of pounds weight loss, so I am looking forward to week two. Maybe my BG readings will eventually get into that exclusive 5's club, that would be very nice indeed!
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I have just completed my first week on the 8-week blood sugar diet. I started mainly to keep my husband company. His blood sugars have been in the pre-diabetic range and he is overweight. So I wanted to support his efforts and it's easier to shop and prepare the same food for two.

I have been LCHF for the previous three months, and lost some weight, more to go. My BG readings had reduced but not enough in my opinion. My early morning fasting BG being the most stubborn.

The 8-week diet has astounded me. One week in and my BG readings have really steadied - always in the 6's including the fasting ones. I am thrilled, in my opinion 'steady' is an excellent result. The food is actually very tasty. A little different from low carb in that there are quite a few beans and pulses, and I have eased off on the fat. My pot of double cream sits unloved in the fridge! Also a couple of pounds weight loss, so I am looking forward to week two. Maybe my BG readings will eventually get into that exclusive 5's club, that would be very nice indeed!

Congratulations! You should be proud, it is not the easiest diet to use, but others as well have had pretty amazing results. There is this guy from Texas, that chronicles his progress on the Newcastle diet, and updates with daily fasting bloodsugars readings, check his thread out and give him some encouragement. http://www.diabetes.co.uk/forum/threads/hello-uk-newcastle-diet-from-texas-progress-thread.90455/

I will Pust his numbers here if you do not bother to check out the link :)

Fasting Blood Sugar Progress Chart mmol/L-mg/dl (800 kcal diet)
Day 1: 10.5 / 190
Day 2: 9.8 /175
Day 3: 8.3 /148
Day 4: 6.7 / 123
Day 5: 6.4 / 112
Day 6: 5.7 / 103
Day 7: 5.0 / 90
Day 8: 5.6 / 100
Day 9: 4.8 / 87
Day 10: 4.5 /81
Day 11: 4.6 / 83
Day 12: 5.1 / 92
Day 13: 6.0 /105 (Removed daily Januvia medication due to side effects)
Day 14: 4.1/ 74
Day 15: 4.7 / 84
Day 16:4.1 / 76
Day 17: 4.6 / 83
Day 18: 4.7 / 84
Day 19: 4.8 / 87
Day 20: 4.4 / 80
Day 21: 4.6 / 83
Day 22: 4.9 / 89
Day 23: 4.4 / 79
Day 24:4.3 / 78
Day 25: 4.3 / 77

So cool to check his progress, and maybe it would be some encouragement for you as well, good luck in the future, and keep on trucking!
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They are brilliant results, mine are mostly in the 5's but really hoping to see a 4 soon

I am on day 20 and fasting bloods have been

6.8, 6.2, 5.7, 5,8, 6.0, 6.2, 6.1. Week 1

6.6, 5.7, 6.1, 5.8, 5.6, 6.0, 6,0. Week 2

5.5, 5.6, 5.6 , 6.1, 6.0, 5,7. Week 3

Those pesky 6's keep creeping in but less of them now. The weekly average is definitely going down so remain hopeful. I was a bit worried about losing too much weight as I have already lost a lot over the last 12 months so expected losses to be slow but have lost 7lbs in 3 weeks.
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Congratulations! You should be proud, it is not the easiest diet to use, but others as well have had pretty amazing results. There is this guy from Texas, that chronicles his progress on the Newcastle diet, and updates with daily fasting bloodsugars readings, check his thread out and give him some encouragement. http://www.diabetes.co.uk/forum/threads/hello-uk-newcastle-diet-from-texas-progress-thread.90455/

I will Pust his numbers here if you do not bother to check out the link :)

Fasting Blood Sugar Progress Chart mmol/L-mg/dl (800 kcal diet)
Day 1: 10.5 / 190
Day 2: 9.8 /175
Day 3: 8.3 /148
Day 4: 6.7 / 123
Day 5: 6.4 / 112
Day 6: 5.7 / 103
Day 7: 5.0 / 90
Day 8: 5.6 / 100
Day 9: 4.8 / 87
Day 10: 4.5 /81
Day 11: 4.6 / 83
Day 12: 5.1 / 92
Day 13: 6.0 /105 (Removed daily Januvia medication due to side effects)
Day 14: 4.1/ 74
Day 15: 4.7 / 84
Day 16:4.1 / 76
Day 17: 4.6 / 83
Day 18: 4.7 / 84
Day 19: 4.8 / 87
Day 20: 4.4 / 80
Day 21: 4.6 / 83
Day 22: 4.9 / 89
Day 23: 4.4 / 79
Day 24:4.3 / 78
Day 25: 4.3 / 77

So cool to check his progress, and maybe it would be some encouragement for you as well, good luck in the future, and keep on trucking!

Wow, that is totally amazing. Also inspiring, thanks for posting that.
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Congratulations! You should be proud, it is not the easiest diet to use, but others as well have had pretty amazing results. There is this guy from Texas, that chronicles his progress on the Newcastle diet, and updates with daily fasting bloodsugars readings, check his thread out and give him some encouragement. http://www.diabetes.co.uk/forum/threads/hello-uk-newcastle-diet-from-texas-progress-thread.90455/

I will Pust his numbers here if you do not bother to check out the link :)

Fasting Blood Sugar Progress Chart mmol/L-mg/dl (800 kcal diet)
Day 1: 10.5 / 190
Day 2: 9.8 /175
Day 3: 8.3 /148
Day 4: 6.7 / 123
Day 5: 6.4 / 112
Day 6: 5.7 / 103
Day 7: 5.0 / 90
Day 8: 5.6 / 100
Day 9: 4.8 / 87
Day 10: 4.5 /81
Day 11: 4.6 / 83
Day 12: 5.1 / 92
Day 13: 6.0 /105 (Removed daily Januvia medication due to side effects)
Day 14: 4.1/ 74
Day 15: 4.7 / 84
Day 16:4.1 / 76
Day 17: 4.6 / 83
Day 18: 4.7 / 84
Day 19: 4.8 / 87
Day 20: 4.4 / 80
Day 21: 4.6 / 83
Day 22: 4.9 / 89
Day 23: 4.4 / 79
Day 24:4.3 / 78
Day 25: 4.3 / 77

So cool to check his progress, and maybe it would be some encouragement for you as well, good luck in the future, and keep on trucking!

I have now read this thread, very interesting and encouraging. It's so good to feel in control again.
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They are brilliant results, mine are mostly in the 5's but really hoping to see a 4 soon

I am on day 20 and fasting bloods have been

6.8, 6.2, 5.7, 5,8, 6.0, 6.2, 6.1. Week 1

6.6, 5.7, 6.1, 5.8, 5.6, 6.0, 6,0. Week 2

5.5, 5.6, 5.6 , 6.1, 6.0, 5,7. Week 3

Those pesky 6's keep creeping in but less of them now. The weekly average is definitely going down so remain hopeful. I was a bit worried about losing too much weight as I have already lost a lot over the last 12 months so expected losses to be slow but have lost 7lbs in 3 weeks.

Congratulations. One man's 'Pesky 6's' is another man's delight! I do admit that few 5s would be absolutely fantastic and with another 7 weeks to go I am hopeful. I still have at least a couple of stone to lose so not a problem for me.

Keep posting, I will follow with interest.
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They are brilliant results, mine are mostly in the 5's but really hoping to see a 4 soon

I am on day 20 and fasting bloods have been

6.8, 6.2, 5.7, 5,8, 6.0, 6.2, 6.1. Week 1

6.6, 5.7, 6.1, 5.8, 5.6, 6.0, 6,0. Week 2

5.5, 5.6, 5.6 , 6.1, 6.0, 5,7. Week 3

Those pesky 6's keep creeping in but less of them now. The weekly average is definitely going down so remain hopeful. I was a bit worried about losing too much weight as I have already lost a lot over the last 12 months so expected losses to be slow but have lost 7lbs in 3 weeks.
Even so,that is quite impressive numbers, Also the guy from texas has lost about 15 lbs, I forgot to post that.


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I'm looking at this 8 week diet (and a very similar one) but they all say pasta is bad but on Trust me Im a Doctor (previous series) they found that pasta cooked left to go cold (then becomes resistant carb and not spike BS so much) and then additional found if reheated raises the BS by 50% less and becomes additional fiber. If that's the case (sorry perhaps I'm a bit slow at my age) isn't it ok to eat pasta in small amounts??


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I say avoid pasta. There are plenty of other foods to eat that have more nutrition.
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In the Radio Times this week there is an article on Michael Mosley and his new diet. They state that he is a doctor of psychology and that the Newcastle Diet results were from following his new diet. Prof Taylor doesn't get a look in.
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In the Radio Times this week there is an article on Michael Mosley and his new diet. They state that he is a doctor of psychology and that the Newcastle Diet results were from following his new diet. Prof Taylor doesn't get a look in.

Roy Taylor gets plenty of acknowledgement in the book, and he writes the Foreword. He (more or less) says in the book that Michael Mosley is better at presenting things to the public, and this is a good thing, leaves him to get on with his work
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