Diet Doctor Low Carb Challenge


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
The way I interpreted it was scrambled eggs / eggs and bacon for breakfast, microwaved hot or just cold leftovers from the previous day's dinner for lunch and then a freshly cooked dinner each evening.

So, for two people you would cook four portions of dinner, two portions fresh cooked straight away and two for next days lunch. Don't make the mistake I did -if you read right at the beginning of this thread you'll see that I was cooking 6 portions at a time for the first week because I didn't realise their shopping list automatically calculated for the lunch portions. And, memorably, with the cabbage. I've not eaten cabbage since. :(
Oh I remember cabbagegate well. The fridges looked as if they had been invaded by cabbage triffids. And the eggs ! Will never forget hubby's face when I brought 4 doz home.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
People who think they know everything.
Oh I remember cabbagegate well. The fridges looked as if they had been invaded by cabbage triffids. And the eggs ! Will never forget hubby's face when I brought 4 doz home.

OMG - yes! I'd forgotten about the eggs. LOL
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Well-Known Member
Not in the early weeks. It's OK with things like a couple of Walnuts for a snack or extra above ground veg or a simple salad (I know - I asked them). For the first 3 weeks I did stick to the recipe food apart from adding veg. Rule is you only eat when you are hungry. If you are no longer hungry stop eating. So for me to have a couple of Walnuts I had to be hungry. To be honest there is so much food I soon found myself skipping or reducing lunch as I just wasn't hungry (except when it was that chilli salmon as that was wonderful cold the next day). I think we all ended up adjusting it . So try if at all possible to stick to what they suggest for the first few weeks. You can add things later.

Oooo ok,
Because I have signed up for membership, think I have got lost a bit lol

Perhaps I need to actually do the 2 week challenge and what you say will make sense....


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi All, I've been a bit quiet on the DD front lately, mainly because I've been doing some experimentation with food and it has involved more carbs. Have used two Libre sensors during the process, and I think I've worked out what is happening.

OK, so (pls skip this, if you aint interested! lol)

about 6 months ago I went strictly gluten free with intermittent fasting, and ended up free from psoriasis for the first time in 30+ years, and free of knee and hand pain for the first time in 10 years. Major Result! Blood glucose was OK. I was on 20-40g carbs a day.

Then about 19 weeks ago (when this thread started) I added DietDoc recipes to the mix, and reduced the fasting. Less than 20g carbs a day, consistently. Blood glucose stabilised brilliantly, and I felt even better. Best I have felt for decades, actually.

But the last few weeks I have ended up travelling more, and having less control of food at times, and made a decision to prioritise being Gluten Free over being Very Low Carb. And was absolutely AMAZED to discover that Gluten Free Carbs weren't spiking me. The odd portion of potato, gluten free chocolate brownie, and suchlike were not affecting my blood glucose. Levels remained steady.

I was totally blown away by it, and ended up pushing the boundaries a little.

Very interesting findings... Turns out that I can definitely tolerate more carbs provided they are gluten free. Gluten, in any amount, will screw up my blood glucose, my knees, my hands and brings back the psoriasis.

However, there are limits. I can eat potato once, and be fine. A decent 'normal' portion. Blood glucose level doesn't twitch. But two carb portions a day (say potato at lunch, and swede in the evening) seems to overload my capacity, make me feel grotty, and the second carb portion spikes me surprisingly high. In these circumstances, even swede will spike me to 9 or 10mmol/l

Also, several days in a row of some potato, and I end up feeling heavy limbed, lethargic, and back to the good old days of high insulin resistance.

Gluten now knocks me for six, even in very small quantities. I am so much more sensitive to it than I used to be.

- I can't tolerate gluten/wheat/grains in any form
- I have more capacity for gluten free carbs than I expected (as shown by blood glucose)
- I need to stay very low carb on a daily basis, in order to prevent my insulin resistance building unpleasantly
- I feel best on less than 20g carbs a day, but can now allow myself the occasional one-off indulgance, which delights me, since I love DD menus and will happily continue them with the occasional treat to add variety.

(this week Tescos sent a freebie bag of Jersey Royals with the order, and I am soooooo looking forward to them, secure in the knowledge that as a one-off I can get away with it)


Well-Known Member
That's very interesting Brunneria, eating gluten free is my way of life and haven't noticed anything significant ummmm

Today I did a huge DD shop for the 2 week challenge starting tomorrow , hoping I can do this.

Breakfast today was the chia porridge again and didn't do anything different but it was slightly more sloppy than yesterday's - still delicious tho but I used to love tapioca pudding and it sort of has that texture ....


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
That's very interesting Brunneria, eating gluten free is my way of life and haven't noticed anything significant ummmm

Today I did a huge DD shop for the 2 week challenge starting tomorrow , hoping I can do this.

Breakfast today was the chia porridge again and didn't do anything different but it was slightly more sloppy than yesterday's - still delicious tho but I used to love tapioca pudding and it sort of has that texture ....
Hope you got the numbers right for the order and didn't end up with a market garden of cabbage and a henhouse of eggs as we did
Once you get into it you will find it easy. You are only cooking once a day (I don't count breakfast as cooking) and it takes the thought out of everything.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Oooo ok,
Because I have signed up for membership, think I have got lost a bit lol

Perhaps I need to actually do the 2 week challenge and what you say will make sense....
I'm a member too. I spent a lot of time preparing for the 2 week challenge by reading and watching the member videos. That was when I asked my questions too.
They are planning on building in the facìlity to let you build your own meal plans with shopping lists from the recipes. Don't know when but it will be great when it does eventually happen.


Well-Known Member
Hope you got the numbers right for the order and didn't end up with a market garden of cabbage and a henhouse of eggs as we did
Once you get into it you will find it easy. You are only cooking once a day (I don't count breakfast as cooking) and it takes the thought out of everything.

No lol

Thanks Maglil - had read about that prior to shopping.

Made the tortillas and ground beef salsa - lush
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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Made the tortillas and ground beef salsa - lush

:) I think the word 'lush' describes ALL the DD recipes. Hope you come to like them as much as I do.
yesterday was the caulflower soup recipe. Delicious. And far better than I would have expected any cauli soup to be...
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi All, I've been a bit quiet on the DD front lately, mainly because I've been doing some experimentation with food and it has involved more carbs. Have used two Libre sensors during the process, and I think I've worked out what is happening.

OK, so (pls skip this, if you aint interested! lol)

about 6 months ago I went strictly gluten free with intermittent fasting, and ended up free from psoriasis for the first time in 30+ years, and free of knee and hand pain for the first time in 10 years. Major Result! Blood glucose was OK. I was on 20-40g carbs a day.

Then about 19 weeks ago (when this thread started) I added DietDoc recipes to the mix, and reduced the fasting. Less than 20g carbs a day, consistently. Blood glucose stabilised brilliantly, and I felt even better. Best I have felt for decades, actually.

But the last few weeks I have ended up travelling more, and having less control of food at times, and made a decision to prioritise being Gluten Free over being Very Low Carb. And was absolutely AMAZED to discover that Gluten Free Carbs weren't spiking me. The odd portion of potato, gluten free chocolate brownie, and suchlike were not affecting my blood glucose. Levels remained steady.

I was totally blown away by it, and ended up pushing the boundaries a little.

Very interesting findings... Turns out that I can definitely tolerate more carbs provided they are gluten free. Gluten, in any amount, will screw up my blood glucose, my knees, my hands and brings back the psoriasis.

However, there are limits. I can eat potato once, and be fine. A decent 'normal' portion. Blood glucose level doesn't twitch. But two carb portions a day (say potato at lunch, and swede in the evening) seems to overload my capacity, make me feel grotty, and the second carb portion spikes me surprisingly high. In these circumstances, even swede will spike me to 9 or 10mmol/l

Also, several days in a row of some potato, and I end up feeling heavy limbed, lethargic, and back to the good old days of high insulin resistance.

Gluten now knocks me for six, even in very small quantities. I am so much more sensitive to it than I used to be.

- I can't tolerate gluten/wheat/grains in any form
- I have more capacity for gluten free carbs than I expected (as shown by blood glucose)
- I need to stay very low carb on a daily basis, in order to prevent my insulin resistance building unpleasantly
- I feel best on less than 20g carbs a day, but can now allow myself the occasional one-off indulgance, which delights me, since I love DD menus and will happily continue them with the occasional treat to add variety.

(this week Tescos sent a freebie bag of Jersey Royals with the order, and I am soooooo looking forward to them, secure in the knowledge that as a one-off I can get away with it)
Very interesting indeed. I always hoped that eventually I would get to the stage of being able to tolerate the odd carby thing. Didn't work for me with the Jersey Royals the other week - Libre went vertical and not in a good way. Came to the conclusion it was just too early. I need to lose more weight and properly stabilise my BG before attempting another introduction.
Like you I really enjoy the food , I just need to give myself a shake and get back to planning again. If only they would get a move on with 'build your own menu' life would be so much easier.
MY accidental fast yesterday seemed to have made a difference too so that's another thing for me to consider.
One thing I have noticed health wise is I have gall stones and pain was quite common from that area. Since going very low carb barely a twinge and I thought all that fat would make it worse.
Is it really 19 weeķs since we started?
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
People who think they know everything.
Slightly tiddly....... birthday tomorrow and I've just spent today celebrating in a gorgeous beach-side pub in Chapel St Leonard so I'm quite sunburnt AND tiddly .... ho hum..... :(

Anyway, I intended just to read but just had to (boast) say that I had two medium size jersey royals yesterday smothered in butter with a large amount of fish, asparagus and broccoli and I was 5.4 before dinner and 5.3 two hours after (so pleased with that) but I can't seem to tolerate anything with other types of carbs in. :(

I came very close to eating a Pizza Hut pizza today but (even though tiddly) managed to remember how I would feel if I did - so just had some deli meats and cheese.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Slightly tiddly....... birthday tomorrow and I've just spent today celebrating in a gorgeous beach-side pub in Chapel St Leonard so I'm quite sunburnt AND tiddly .... ho hum..... :(

Anyway, I intended just to read but just had to (boast) say that I had two medium size jersey royals yesterday smothered in butter with a large amount of fish, asparagus and broccoli and I was 5.4 before dinner and 5.3 two hours after (so pleased with that) but I can't seem to tolerate anything with other types of carbs in. :(

I came very close to eating a Pizza Hut pizza today but (even though tiddly) managed to remember how I would feel if I did - so just had some deli meats and cheese.
Jersey Royals may be your 90%. Enjoy your tiddly ness


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Have any of you actually lost weight doing DD?
I have quite a few pounds need rid of
I have but I've stalled at the moment. Since the end of November I've lost 25 lbs. If I remember rightly about 10 lbs of that was when I went onto DD. Last few weeks I've stuck give or take a few ozs so I know I need to adjust something hence why I'm considering intermittent fasting. Not weighed myself today yet but I suspect I'm still the same.


Well-Known Member
I have but I've stalled at the moment. Since the end of November I've lost 25 lbs. If I remember rightly about 10 lbs of that was when I went onto DD. Last few weeks I've stuck give or take a few ozs so I know I need to adjust something hence why I'm considering intermittent fasting. Not weighed myself today yet but I suspect I'm still the same.

Ah thanks
Reason I ask is I have been low carb under 20 for past 2 days but added half kilo on lol


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
People who think they know everything.
Have any of you actually lost weight doing DD?
I have quite a few pounds need rid of

No, I didn't lose any (in fact I gained a couple of pounds) but it really did help get my BG down to 29 (which is 4.9) for my HbA1C.

Having said that, loosing weight is something I've always struggled with. Just before DD I spent quite a few weeks doing the Michael Mosley 600 calorie blood sugar diet and hardly lost any weight at all - I think I lost a pound in total. I know the reason for not losing weight is because I'm not able to exercise - so at the moment I'm just concentrating on not gaining weight, keeping my BG low and also keeping my blood pressure level. I'm still on meds for BP but it hasn't risen any over the last few months which makes a nice change - every time I take it its around 120 over 75.

One day soon I'll have to do something about my weight (BMI = 33.8) but at the moment I'm just enjoying feeling well.


Well-Known Member
I understand Chook, am on preds and insulin because of the pred and both are notorious for weight gain, however my priority right now is same as you , to lower my bgs as they are too high due to eating wrong foods!!!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
OK I take it back about being stable - prepare yourselves. Bed on 5.7 which was great FBG 6.4 still great and pre breakfast was 7!!
Wait for it ......I've lost 5 lbs as well! In the words of Victor Meldrew 'I don't believe it' but it's true.
Now the question is why? Was it the unintentional 24 hr fast? Was it the sheer stress caused by the election sending the country to hell? Was it my concerns over why did I not go liquid with the money that's invested? ( and we need that money to get us through the next 1.5 years. That money is years of careful saving). Or is it just a combination of everything. When's the next election


Well-Known Member
Well done on Weight loss of 5 pounds no idea about the other stuff

My breakfast today was one full egg and two egg yolks leftover from the tortillas recipe last night , scrambled in 2 teaspoons of grass fed cows butter , lunch will be the beef burgers in tomato sauce and cabbage